Transforming With Visibility and Agility
A successful move to the cloud requires planning and foresight. Here are the steps you need to take to make your transition work.
A successful move to the cloud requires planning and foresight. Here are the steps you need to take to make your transition work.
Machine learning and other tech advancements make construction cost estimates easier and more accurate. Here are some points to consider.
Agencies are challenged with the explosion of data, and have to work to dominate the data, rather than letting it dominate them.
Data analytics can be like a puzzle — but one where you don’t even know which pieces will be in the final picture or what it will look like. Automation can get you out of the box.
Data visualization helps people understand and use data more effectively. Here are some pointers for doing it right.
Manually integrating their data costs agencies too much time and too much money. An industry expert explains how automation can help agencies tell a better data story.
Agencies can’t afford to rely on guesswork to hire and retain talent – they need data. Four government and industry experts explain just what that means.
Agencies have plenty of data they can use to detect cyber threats. The trick is using it without breaking the budget.
(Re) building government data systems provides an opportunity to transform community engagement channels.
Six reasons government agencies should innovate — and how to implement them.