Posts Tagged: decision-making

Improving Data Quality: Empowering Decision-Makers with Meaningful Information

Today’s leaders rely heavily on data-driven decision making to solve complex problems that have a direct impact on their businesses and their missions. Stakeholder concerns regarding the successful operation of their organization typically revolve around so much more than just data quality that it’s oftentimes overlooked. In reality, data quality is one of the most… Read more »

A Checklist for Dealing with Ethical Dilemmas

Are you faced with an ethical dilemma? Work through this handy checklist from CRMlearning based on “Ethics 4 Everyone” by Eric Harvey and Scott Airitam. Before you take action, ask yourself… Is it legal? Does it comply with our rules and regulations? Is it consistent with our organizational values? Will I be guilt-free if I doRead… Read more »

Let’s Meet — In Person

Let’s assume that, as an IT leader and decision maker, you understand the importance of clear and efficient communications. Whether with superiors, subordinates, peers, vendors, or customers, good communications are a key ingredient to your success. And you’ve probably read or heard somewhere that 93% or some similar percentage of interpersonal communications are non-verbal; thatRead… Read more »

Wise decisions = personal happiness?

Suppose you are an IT decision-maker (and who in IT doesn’t have to make decisions regularly?). For that matter, forget the “IT”. What drives your decision-making? Let’s assume that you would like to consistently make decisions so as to have the maximum positive (or least negative) impact on your own personal well-being. Does this soundRead… Read more »