Why Belonging Matters (and How to Foster It)
Strong social connections are a major factor in happiness and well-being. Here’s how to build a workplace culture of belonging in which you feel welcomed and valued.
Strong social connections are a major factor in happiness and well-being. Here’s how to build a workplace culture of belonging in which you feel welcomed and valued.
Delegation is an important part of leadership, but delegating can be difficult and uncomfortable, especially for new supervisors.
What does delegation mean to you?
Have you struggled with finding a good balance of support when it comes to delegating? Task Relevant Maturity is your answer.
“Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much.” Helen Keller spoke this line. How amazing that words from the 1920s are so relevant today.
One of the greatest traits a good leader should possess is the gift of discernment, especially when they delegate tasks.
How can you empower your employees?
If you are new to management, stepping into the role for the first time can be overwhelming. Here are some tips to help navigate through the transition if you are new to this type of role.
Are you a new manager? Feeling a little bit out of your depth? This user’s guide for new managers can help.
Delegating isn’t a skill that comes easily to most people. But if you’re a manager, it’s a crucial one to learn. The simple fact is that one person can’t do it all – and if you try to, you’ll just be asking for a bad case of burnout. Not to mention that overwhelming yourself canRead… Read more »