Posts Tagged: Deloitte

3 Steps to Be a Good Government Leader

Are you happy with your boss? Do you feel appreciated for your contributions? How satisfied are you with your work environment? Your answer to those questions will probably vary somewhat based on your position in the workforce. However, if you’re in the public sector, your responses may be drastically different from your boss’s. Each year,Read… Read more »

Schlepping Through Cybersecurity Hiring

For cybersecurity workforce hiring in state governments, it’s hurdle upon hurdle. The challenges keep emerging, and states have to constantly keep up with the difficult terrain. The National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) recently released a study on the challenges facing state government IT workforces. The report highlights findings from survey data collectedRead… Read more »

Innovation: What The Feds Think

Innovation is a big buzzword all over the business world. It’s taken off in the private sector, with companies such as Apple or Tesla constantly pushing boundaries in terms of creativity and delivery. In these organizations, there is a culture of innovation, where it is encouraged and rewarded. But what about the public sector? WhatRead… Read more »

CIOs Stepping Up To Bat

For CIOs, it’s time to step up to bat. With recent legislation, federal CIOs are getting more influence – but with great power comes great responsibility. In terms of implementing IT changes in the federal government, now more than ever CIOs will be accountable for how the government is performing in its major IT programs.Read… Read more »

What’s The Government’s GPA? Part II

As discussed yesterday in part one of this interview, there is a lot to recommend testing government agencies to glean quantifiable results or grades. Having numerical values to analyze the government’s performance allows for a better understanding of the status quo, and improved decision-making. Deloitte University Press recently authored a report entitled “Accountability Quantified: WhatRead… Read more »


There’s a lot of power in being able to say exactly and numerically just how smart and successful you are. For instance, certain job applications have minimum college GPA requirements. Alternately, who hasn’t been amongst friends when the loaded discussion of SAT scores surfaces? Contentious or not, it’s important tool for professional development (and braggingRead… Read more »

Do Government Managers Need To Go on Undercover Boss?

Are you and your boss on the same page? If you work in the federal government, the answer is likely no. The Best Places to Work analysis from the Partnership for Public Service and Deloitte found for those agencies looking to drive change, the disparity between your view of gov and your boss’s suggest employeesRead… Read more »

Picking out the bright spots in the Best Places to Work Survey – plus your weekend reads!

We get it, the numbers from the latest Best Places to Work in the federal government are grim. Government wide satisfaction is down to 57% the lowest score in the 10 year history of the survey. It is hard to work for the government right now. But there were some bright spots. Despite some reallyRead… Read more »

Best Places to Work Numbers Are Out – How Can Gov Get Its Mojo Back?

The 2013 Best Places to Work data present a disturbing picture of federal employees throughout the government who are increasingly dissatisfied with their jobs and workplaces. Government-wide, the federal employee job satisfaction and commitment level dropped for the third year in a row, tumbling 3 points to a score of 57.8 on a scale ofRead… Read more »

How can federal agencies move forward in a Postdigital Era with the Tech Trends 2013?

Many of us may know that some of the federal agencies and its leaders are facing challenges in today’s economy. Innovation has been identified to be a key change agent when facing these obstacles. Can these agencies embrace innovative technology to better meet their missions? The answer is YES, we currently see many federal leadersRead… Read more »