Posts Tagged: Deloitte

Help ID new GovTwits after 2010 elections

Americans take to the polls November 2nd, and regardless of the political party results, one thing’s for certain: there will be newly elected officials who won’t be listed in GovTwit. That’s where you can help. If you know or learn of a new governor, senator, representative or any elected official who is on Twitter, pleaseRead… Read more »

“New Twitter” Kills Custom Backgrounds

If you are an agency, organization or individual that has made use of customized Twitter backgrounds to share contact info, expanded “about me,” Facebook URLs and more in the left-hand side of the profile page, then the roll out of “New Twitter” may leave you with some additional work to spruce up your page.Read… Read more »

GovTwit Statistics: Top Federal Twitter IDs

The NY Times Magazine published a great story this weekend by Jesse Lichtenstein titled “Digital Diplomacy” that focused on the State Department’s very proactive stance in using new tools and technologies to advance the department’s sweeping mission. Traditional forms of diplomacy still dominate, but 21st-century statecraft is not mere corporate rebranding — swapping tweets forRead… Read more »

EXCLUSIVE – First interview with Twitter, Inc. on their job search for D.C.-based government liaison

“If you are successful, the world will be a better place…” That quote, from the job posting Twitter made earlier this week seeking their first “government liaison,” is a window in to the aspirations Twitter has for their first D.C.-based employee. While the announcement has generated news headlines globally and set off a flurry ofRead… Read more »

Free “Power of Pull” Book Launch Party this Friday (6/4) at L2 Lounge in Georgetown

Rub elbows with the author’s of “Power of Pull” this Friday evening at the free book launch party at L2 Lounge in Georgetown. “Power of Pull,” has won acclaim from readers like President Bill Clinton, Google’s Eric Schmidt, and “Megatrends” author John Naisbitt. Authors (and Deloitte Center for the Edge leaders) John Hagel and JohnRead… Read more »

The People Side of Change in Technology Implementations

The Enterprise Resource Planning systems (ERP) market is now worth upwards of $21 billion. Going into 2008, Cambridge, Mass.-based market researcher Forrester predicted a compound annual growth rate of 4.2 percent for ERP solution packages, and that number has continued to climb. The use of technology in the workplace is expanding at an astounding rate.Read… Read more »

Unlocking Government – How Data Transforms Democracy (New Research)

My collegue, author and former public servant Bill Eggers, has just completed some great new research that helps illustrate the evolution of government from a data publisher to a development platform for generating maximum public value. You can view the 44 page report here: Click on “Unlocking Government” for the report and a seriesRead… Read more »

Enterprise 2.0: What’s In It For Us?

While many Internet companies are still trying to figure out how to make money with Web 2.0, where it’s really taking off is the enterprise. Often referred to as Enterprise 2.0, this is the sweet spot for businesses – using social technology to empower your existing employees. Social applications let employees connect across organizations, andRead… Read more »