Better Communications Tops Data To-Do List
Mallory Bateman, Director of Demographic Research with the Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute talks about how data can inform policy development.
Analytics, Communications, State and Local
Mallory Bateman, Director of Demographic Research with the Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute talks about how data can inform policy development.
Employee Experience, Human Resources
In 15 years or less, the US will be facing severe labor shortages. The public sector needs to prepare. Here are four trends to consider.
Career, Communications, Human Resources, Miscellaneous, Project Management, Tech
Here’s another one of my soon to be patented (:->) reports from a conference I didn’t attend, brought to you through the benificence of the Twitterverse. Unfortunately, it isn’t as complete as I’d like. After TransparencyCamp, when I discovered that the Twitter Search runs out after 100 pages of history, I new I’d have toRead… Read more »
I find myself repeating an amazing statistic a lot recently: the fastest-growing group on Facebook is people 35-54 years old. Guess how much that group grew in the past 6 months? (no peeking) 76% 176% 276% And the answer is … 276% according to Peter Corbett at iStrategyLabs, who’s been tracking Facebook stats. Think aboutRead… Read more »