Posts Tagged: development

Why Leadership Coaching Is For Everyone

My morning started with an e-mail from a client who is a federal government analyst, upset about a missive from her training department eager to check-off their employee development box with a variety of offerings. The catch? Leadership development was restricted to “managers only.” I guess it is time for the feds to understand whatRead… Read more »

Building a 21st Century Government…One Leader at a Time

When Obama’s budget plan for fiscal 2015 was released, the plan had its fair share of supporters and naysayers. There are obviously many sections to the plan, but there is one specific portion that addresses the challenge that a plethora of articles have been written about and many agencies are challenged with lately…leadership, and specificallyRead… Read more »

SUCCESS RULE #40 Seek Congruency (between your conscious thoughts and your sub-conscious mind)

Many of us want success as we define it in our own thoughts, the rockin’ body, the fat bank account, the great relationship, peace and harmony in our lives, the perfect career and so on. These are the things we consciously think about or dream of. Unfortunately many have a sub-conscious mind that has beenRead… Read more »

SUCCESS RULE #39 Learn the Language of the Mind

Do you talk to yourself? Do you answer? I’m sure you do. We all of have conversations with ourselves, these are called thoughts. Perhaps the more serious question is what type of conversations are you having? What is the language of your mind? Have you ever talked yourself into such a frenzy it actually madeRead… Read more »

Practice Quieting the Mind

Practice Quieting the Mind Thoughts come and go; they are the language of the brain. Thoughts are the conversations we have with ourselves; they are so prevalent we often don’t even realize we’re doing it. Sometimes in fact, we do it so much our thoughts become overwhelming. Do you enjoy inner peace or are youRead… Read more »

SUCCESS RULE #36 Learn To Let Go

In the last rule, “Learn to let it go” we talked about letting go of past hurt and bitterness. In this rule, we are addressing how to “Let Go”. Once your read this rule, you will see the difference. By following both of these rules, you will find a path to success much more attainable.Read… Read more »

SUCCESS RULE #35 Learn To Let It Go

You can be bitter or you can be better. As a follower of the Rules and Tools, I want you to choose to be better. During the course of your success, you will undoubtedly come across those who don’t know the rules. Perhaps it’s that difficult person, or someone who will intentionally lie or crossRead… Read more »

Government’s Mobile Technology Revolution

Mobile technologies are rapidly transforming nearly every aspect of our personal and professional lives. In fact, the proliferation of social media seems impossible without the widespread use of mobile devices. Meanwhile, companies are discovering cost efficiencies and flexibility of access – through tablets and smartphones – by moving their entire business operations to the cloud.Read… Read more »

SUCCESS RULE #34 Learn How to Deal with People who are Different Then You

Difficult people. Everyone seems to know one. You can probably think of your own nemesis right now. Truth be told, in all my research, it turns out there are only about a dozen really obnoxious, rude difficult people in the whole world. That’s right only about 12. Now . . . word has it theyRead… Read more »