Building DevOps Culture at the National Museum of African American History and Culture
The National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC) has baked the DevOps mindset into its organizational structure.
The National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC) has baked the DevOps mindset into its organizational structure.
Now that threats increasingly strike a widening array of systems, government needs to conduct its operations, development and security as an ensemble of efficiency.
The Defense Department is following in the footsteps of companies like Tesla and Nextflix, both of which use an automated approach to develop, secure and release software.
The barrier to entry for agencies that adopt innovative technologies and approaches can seem daunting. It’s hard enough to change the hearts and minds of those used to working a certain way, but then there’s the challenge of learning a new process or tool.
Managing security risks and developing next-generation software often feels like competing priorities in government.
How do you manage change when it’s ongoing? That’s the challenge of DevOps.
DevOps is about more than process improvement and new tools — it’s really about marketing. By shifting your mindset, you can help convince others of its benefits and help to spread those benefits to everyone.
IT professionals sometimes fall back on the belief that they’re uniquely dysfunctional as an excuse not to act. Under the influence of this attitude, your team clearly won’t be able to accomplish anything great.
Has your agency successfully embraced DevOps or maybe is in the process of doing so? DevOps is a project management methodology that solves the problematic product handoff between developers and operations staff. Instead of operating in silos, both teams collaborate on a project from start to finish. Fully embracing DevOps can make an agency moreRead… Read more »
Although there are still a fair amount of manual processes, HUD as a whole is starting to implement continuous integration and continuous development, key tenets of DevOps.