Building Community by Fostering Social Media Dialogue
No matter how well you’ve crafted a story, if you’re not triggering a dialogue, your messaging might not be meeting its full potential.
Citizen Engagement, Communications, Social Media
No matter how well you’ve crafted a story, if you’re not triggering a dialogue, your messaging might not be meeting its full potential.
What we need is a resurgence of dialogue: relating, attuning and authentically relating to one another. Bringing dialogue back to government would be good for all of us.
Career, Communications, Leadership
Take GovLoop’s quiz to walk through five scenarios and learn whether you’re an avoider, collaborator, competitor, compromiser or accommodator.
We talk about the need to include more female voices in government all the time. Obviously, we think it’s important. That’s the point of GovFem, after all. What we don’t talk about as often is what role men have in the dialogue of women’s advancement. Granted, there are a few campaigns out there that recognizeRead… Read more »
Citizen Engagement, Communications
It’s no surprise that local governments are utilizing crowdsourcing to solve some of their biggest problems. Crowdsourcing, after all, uses some of the same basic tenets as democracy: where the decisions that serve a body are governed by the majority. Crowdsourcing is being used as a means to allocate budgets, cut waste, and solve longstandingRead… Read more »
Pollsters, politicians and pundits quote public opinion polls to tell us what the public thinks. Deliberative democracy advocates promote public judgment to deepen public opinion. Few people talk about public wisdom – what it could be and what it could do. I think we need all three forms of public sensibility. I think we canRead… Read more »
Communications, Human Resources, Tech
NCDD blogger Susanna Haas Lyons posted this to the NCDD Community blog a couple of months ago, and it needs indexed here in the Resource Center as well… In December 2012, Alberta Climate Dialogue released a series of short videos exploring the benefits of deliberative democracy, featuring well known practitioners such as Matt Leighninger (DDC),Read… Read more »
People interested in government mobile products like apps, mobile web and SMS continue to engage in the Making Mobile Gov Dialogue by suggesting, commenting on and voting for the best ideas. A few folks have suggested the federal government create specific mobile products. In response, the Making Mobile Gov team has created the “Suggest anRead… Read more »
UPDATE: For those who weren’t able to attend Paul Culmsee’s seminar, you can check out video and slides here. He starts with a great comparison of Government 2.0 in the US, UK, Australia and New Zealand and even riffs off a 2010 GovLoop discussion by Bill Brantley and Andrew Krzmarzick. Enjoy! /// Wanted to shareRead… Read more »
Members of the National Coalition for Dialogue & Deliberation (NCDD) are hosting budget-friendly regional events this October and November in 5 cities across the country, and we’d love to see lots of GovLoop members there! All 5 events are posted at GovLoop: – Denver, Colorado – The Wellshire Inn on Friday, October 22, 2010 –Read… Read more »