3 Things to Remember when Considering Online Payments
Online payments are a great way to reduce the administrative costs associated with collecting and processing cash and paper checks.
Online payments are a great way to reduce the administrative costs associated with collecting and processing cash and paper checks.
As more government services are offered online, it’s important that we reconsider what role the notary public plays in our society.
Governments should be looking to the private sector to help achieve their ideal digital futures. Public-private partnerships help governments get more from available resources to increase usability and flexibility online, facilitating better relationships with their citizens.
At GovLoop, we recently released a report on “Digital Government Strategy”. One aspect of Digital Government, we touched briefly on but I wanted to dive in deeper in this post is the question “What’s a Digital City?” and “How Do I Become One?” This I decided to write a list – 30 Steps to BecomeRead… Read more »
What should a digital city do? -Solve school board problem -All connected -Very confusing -Bunch of info needs to take action on-What does community want? -Digital is data and info…but people -Digital portal – -3D world of the ctiy -X-ray of pipes -Bus systems – virtually -Shrinks the city and county of village -find outRead… Read more »
via flickr.com “NYC Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg and Chief Digital Officer Rachel Sterne today unveiled Road Map for the Digital City – a comprehensive strategy to make New York the nation’s leading digital City.” 16 May. This amazing effort and beautifully structured and designed report sets out examples of what has been done and whereRead… Read more »
Yesterday, New York City released its “Road Map for the Digital City: Achieving New York City’s Digital Future.” For those who missed the announcement, especially those concerned about the digital economy, the future of government and citizen services, the document is definitely worth downloading and scanning. At the heart of the document sits a roadRead… Read more »