Posts Tagged: digital government

Synchronize Email With Your Other Marketing Channels

While email continues to rule the digital communication space [ADD STATISTIC HERE], marketers cannot afford to ignore the growing popularity of social channels as an opportunity to further the connection with their audience. Learn how to use other communication channels to increase your email reach and vice-versa.

What 2020 Will Bring For The American Citizen

2020 sounds futuristic and far away, but it’s actually only five years from now. And in government, where things happen fairly slowly, it’s high time we start making our predictions on the status quo of the government just a bit down the road. William Eggers, Director for Public Sector Research at Deloitte, spoke with ChristopherRead… Read more »

The Top 5 Books of 2015 on Elections & the Political Process… So Far

Although we’re only a mere two months into the year, a deluge of incredible books on the topics of elections and the political process — fiction and non-fiction alike — has occurred.  In the words of George Mason, “The freedom of the press is one of the great bulwarks of liberty, and can never beRead… Read more »

Don’t Fight the Email Laws – Know Them!

You probably already know that email marketers must abide by certain laws when sending messages for any commercial reason. But did you know that the sending of messages on behalf of a government entity is governed by additional rules and regulations? Learn the fundamentals of these requirements and the basics for implementing them into your… Read more »

Gov-Love At Igniting Innovation 2015

‘Tis the Valentine’s Day season, and I’m feeling the gov love – and gov seems to be feeling it, too. Lately, there have been a great number of efforts by the government to make citizens’ lives easier. These programs and initiatives push the boundaries of what government is generally seen to do for its peopleRead… Read more »

Records Management: You Gotta Take Your Medicine

There are some really foul-tasting medicines out there – malaria pills and cough syrup especially come to mind. But even though it’s no fun to take your medicine, it helps, and it’s much better than being sick. Who actually wants malaria? Records management, like medicine, is not the most exciting thing, but it’s absolutely necessaryRead… Read more »

You Got the Right Stuff: Email Design Best Practices Checklist

Use this checklist of email design best practices to deliver messages that are not only tailored to your audience, but also look professional, function properly, and capture the attention of increasingly-busy and multi-device-connected constituents to invite opens, attract clicks, and inspire action.

Are We Individuals, Or Are We Really The Same?

Everyone has their own quirks and wonderful traits that make them just who they are. It’s part of what makes meeting new people so thrilling and exciting. But at the other end of the spectrum, we’re all human beings. We all must eat, drink, sleep to survive. At the end of the day, we’re reallyRead… Read more »

Tempe Transforms IT Customer Service

Located in southeast corner of Phoenix, Arizona, the city of Tempe is home to Arizona State University – and nearly 170,000 residents. To serve these residents, the city provides critical services such as fire, public works and police. And to help departments meet their missions, a centralized IT team supports city services. Looking to improveRead… Read more »