Posts Tagged: diplomacy

U.S. Department of State Launches Second Annual ExchangesConnect Video Contest to Amplify U.S. Public Diplomacy: “Change Your Climate, Change Our World”

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton launched the Department of State’s second annual ExchangesConnect Video Contest, “Change Your Climate, Change Our World,” with a video message on the ExchangesConnect social network on November 17. Find more videos like this on ExchangesConnect The ExchangesConnect Video Contest is a call to action for global citizens around theRead… Read more »

Live Webcast: Media as Global Diplomat II – New Findings on the Science of Media & Conflict

Today the Washington, DC-based United States Institute of Peace (USIP) will host a symposium and live webcast on the impact of New media Now media on global conflict resolution. * Are social media tools and technologies at the core of statecraft in the 21st century? * What do new research findings suggest is the impactRead… Read more »

Sometimes it’s not the Technology — Focusing the Human Side

Yesterday’s Washington Post had an article headlined “Web-Savvy Obama Team Hits Unexpected Bumps — Issues of Technology, Security and Privacy Slow the New Administration’s Effort to Foster Instant Communication” ( While highlighting all of the information technology innovations the new “web-savvy Obama Team” has begun to employ, such as a Presidential blog and YouTube channel,Read… Read more »

H R Clinton Discusses New Media Tools::Town Hall @ State Dept

Transcript Feb 4, noonish, while audience tummies rumbled, Secretary of State Clinton spoke about using new media, social networking sites, emerging technolgies and collaborative processes at Department of State and throughout government.HR Clinton Town Hall Blog 2.4.2009 New York Times 2.5.2009 Two minutes of the hour + meeting became the entire focus of this article.

U.S. Department of State and the Adobe Foundation Launch Online Video Contest to Amplify U.S. Public Diplomacy

The Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, in conjunction with the Adobe Foundation, today launched an online video contest to amplify U.S. public diplomacy using web-based outreach campaigns and social media platforms. The interactive Video Contest “My Culture + Your Culture=? Share your Story,” is expected to draw thousands of people worldwideRead… Read more »