Does Your Agency Have Unified Communications?
Download this e-book to read about highlighted discussions from the roundtable, which included topics such as cloud security, customer experience (CX) and workforce reform.
Download this e-book to read about highlighted discussions from the roundtable, which included topics such as cloud security, customer experience (CX) and workforce reform.
Four leading women in technology spoke at a panel titled Women in Tech: Our Journey to Ignite Government Innovation at Microsoft Ignite, an annual conference.
Ever been in a brainstorming meeting that seemed to go nowhere or not include all voices? Beat brainstorming pitfalls by focusing the conversation on these four types of questions.
Hi there Govloop members. This is a lengthy post. I apologise for that. It’s been a while, but the Blueprint has finally been released. Go take a look. The Conversation On 29 March I was lucky enough to be able to attend ‘APS Reform: A Conversation’ at the Museum of Australian Democracy. This event wasRead… Read more »
I think GovLoop could fill a niche right in-between the facebook level of government, and the City website. Let’s take the City of Saint Paul as an example, since I live there: Here is the City of Saint Paul website. Right on the home page, you see that the City of Saint Paul has aRead… Read more »
UPDATE (Sept 23, 2009): We did an interview with Federal News Radio (Chris Dorobek and Amy Morris — thanks you two!) on our experience with the first @USGS Twitter Chat. Overall, our experience with the Twitter chat went well. We had a lot of retweeting of the planned chat well before it occurred which ledRead… Read more »