Posts Tagged: diversity

Millennials: Diverse but Inclusive?

They are the offspring of the Boomer generation that gave us the Civil Rights movement. They are responsible for the nation’s election of its first Black President. Demographers call them the most diverse generation ever. They were educated in school systems that emphasized mainstreaming, collaboration and diversity. They were exposed to diverse classrooms that wereRead… Read more »

Personal Identity vs. Political Correctness

What qualifies anyone to dialogue as a subject matter expert on political correctness? What exactly does political correctness mean in the context of a United States government employee’s concerns? Should political correctness be a factor in public anything? These are all tough, complex questions. And while it may be incredibly ambitious to tackle them, this… Read more »

Are You REDI for Diversity?

The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) recently launched a new program to drive up diversity in the federal workforce. The program is known as REDI: Recruitment, Engagement, Diversity, and Inclusion. The government is, potentially, at a turning point in terms of its diversity. In the coming years, there will be massive turnover in the governmentRead… Read more »

How Would YOU Improve the Federal Sector EEO Process?

Equal employment opportunity (EEO) has always been a cornerstone of the federal civil service. The government prides itself on striving to be a model employer and setting an example for the private sector. Many government agencies have a positive record of achievement on EEO issues and fostering work environments which are diverse, fair, inclusive andRead… Read more »

Women in Technology: Promoting a Broader Perspective

For many, the notion of women in technology is focused on computer science and the tech industry. Should the definition be so narrow? Do we really want to send the message to girls and young women that aspiring to be coders and tech entrepreneurs is the best (or only) way they can make a professional… Read more »

Heritage Months: Temporary Celebrations or Yearly Discussions

As feds, we are entering the heritage month season. January brought Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday. February has ushered in Black History Month and March will soon deliver Women’s History Month. In my conversations with employees about these events, I sense a malaise has seeped into these celebrations that dilute their effectiveness in promotingRead… Read more »

Special Emphasis Observances: Mend Them or End Them

Can we do away with the following months or at least change the way we commemorate them: Black History, Women’s History, Asian Pacific American Heritage, Hispanic Heritage, National Disability Employment Awareness and Native American Heritage? Why. Rarely do these observances focus on what executive orders, public laws, federal regulations and Presidential proclamations require- the improvementRead… Read more »