Posts Tagged: diversity

Promoting Women in Executive Roles – And Why Men Should Care

The International City/County Management Association (ICMA) has released a survey with some hard-to-believe results. Today, only 13% of chief executive positions in local government are held by women – a number that has remained exactly the same since 1981. A lot of other things have changed since the same year IBM introduced the first personalRead… Read more »

If Overt Inequality is Dead Why is There Still Inequality

I think this is a question that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. would ask if he were living today. After protests, marches, civil disobedience, untold violence, tragic deaths and the ultimate passage of anti-discrimination laws, why does so much division and inequality endure in the USA? Rutgers University white professor Nancy DiTomaso addresses this issueRead… Read more »

Fostering Diversity & EEO is #2 Public Sector Priority for 2015

Most government agencies understand the business case for diversity and equal employment opportunity (EEO). It’s evident by now that diverse employees bring a broad range of ideas and viewpoints to the table which can promote positive change, spark innovation, increase productivity and maximize strategic mission-driven results. This is particularly true as the nation and laborRead… Read more »

Would You Rather be Lucky or Good?

If you think about it a moment, an early experience with bias was our first job application. A job announcement is essentially a statement of bias. The employer can write the job application any way they choose. They determine the skills, qualifications, requirements, educational standards and salary levels for the job. They decide how longRead… Read more »

The Bias in All of Us

I hear it all the time in cubicles, in the cafeteria, in the restroom and around the water cooler: • I don’t have a biased bone in my body. • I am not biased, I have two American Indian friends. • I don’t need diversity and inclusion training, I am unbiased toward everyone. • BiasRead… Read more »

8 Emotional Intelligence Tips for Building an Inclusive Workplace

Colleen Stanley teaches emotional intelligence to sales professionals and has one of the best plain English definitions of emotional intelligence. What are you feeling, why are you feeling this emotion and how does it impact how you show up? Since interacting with others who are different from us is an emotional experience, emotional intelligence hasRead… Read more »