Posts Tagged: diversity

Getting More Women in City Hall: Leveraging Private-Public Partnerships for Equity

I was hired as the first female Chief Innovation Officer in the country in early 2013 and I have to admit I think that is pretty cool. However, I am also very much aware of the gender gap that I see around me in meetings at City Hall and with community stakeholders. Often it isRead… Read more »

We Talk the Diversity Talk, But Does Your Agency Walk the Walk?

Most agencies have policies to facilitate diversity and sensitivity. Showing awareness or activism in this area may even be a part of your performance review. But be honest: do these policies really ensure that we walk the walk and truly embrace diversity in the workplace? Workplace diversity is a really fashionable topic these days. ItRead… Read more »

Women’s History Month: Honoring Service

Did you know that March is officially designated as Women’s History Month? While all women everywhere deserve to be honored and recognized for their tremendous accomplishments every day and month of the year, March has been specifically set aside to celebrate their achievements and sacrifices to America. Without the countless contributions of women to societalRead… Read more »

The Importance of “Diversity Thinking” — and Compliance

All federal employees should be mindful of the importance of workforce diversity, especially federal managers. Executive Order 13583 was signed by President Obama in August 2011: Establishing a Coordinated Government-wide Initiative to Promote Diversity and Inclusion in the Federal Workforce. According to E.O. 13583: “Our Nation derives strength from the diversity of its population andRead… Read more »

Is the Entitlement Generation Really Entitled?

Spoiled. Uncooperative. Impatient. Lazy. These are just a few words used to describe who some have deemed the “entitlement generation” – often called Millennials or Gen Y or even Generation C. Sure, with stories like the 18-year old girl who is suing her parents for financial support flying around the web, is anyone really surprised?Read… Read more »

Top 3 New Year’s Resolutions for Uncle Sam: #1 Fostering Diversity Gov-wide

Every New Year brings with it new challenges, goals, expectations and high hopes. This is important not only in our private lives but also in our work lives – especially as the two continue to mesh in the fast evolving 21st century workplace. With this in mind, my Top 3 recommended New Year’s resolutions forRead… Read more »

New “Digest of EEO Law” Issued by EEOC & Recap of Rehab Act 40th Anniversary

How much do you know about Federal Sector EEO? Want to learn more about workplace equality government-wide? If so, check out the latest quarterly edition of the U.S. EEOC’s Digest of Equal Employment Opportunity Law, which is now available online. This quarterly publication, prepared by the EEOC’s Office of Federal Operations (OFO), features recent CommissionRead… Read more »

Diversity’s New Frontier

We’re live at the Next Generation of Government Training Summit! NextGen is a two-day training summit aimed at inspiring and educating rising government leaders. The sessions and workshops presented are jam packed with information to further enhance their day-to-day career and the betterment of government overall. One of the breakout sessions, Diversity’s New Frontier, focusedRead… Read more »

The Next Home Run for the Federal Workforce

In 1997, Billy Beane became the general manager of the Oakland Athletics. Upon arriving at his new job, Beane quickly recognized that the ‘old way’ of scouting for talent was no longer feasible for the Athletics’ shrinking budget. Faced with a scouting staff entrenched in a paradigm as old as the game itself, Beane neededRead… Read more »