Posts Tagged: diversity

4 Tips on Fostering Diversity and Inclusion

To continue the discussion on diversity, the Department of the Interior hosted an event to elaborate on the tactical implementation of agency’s Inclusive Workplace Strategy. This event served as a follow-up to last week’s Diversity and Inclusion Leadership in the 21st Century put on by the Partnership for Public Service. The talk consisted of aRead… Read more »

Building a Federal Workforce that Looks like America

It’s been two years since President Obama signed the Executive Order on Diversity and Inclusion in the federal workplace. As we all know, organizations and organizational culture take a great deal of time to change. This is especially the case for government agencies, which are often over a hundred years old. Today, I attended anRead… Read more »

Federal EEO: How Much Do You Know?

Do you know about equal employment opportunity (EEO) in the federal government? If not, it may be time to learn more, especially as our nation, along with the federal workforce, becomes increasingly more diverse and inclusive. How much do you know about EEO? Can you learn more? The U.S. EEOC offers a variety of trainingRead… Read more »

2013 Inclusion Summit

Creating Innovation & Competitive Advantage with Cultural Competence & Diversity An organization with diversified talent is an organization with amazing potential for collaboration, innovation and heightened productivity. However, only organizations that practice inclusion can tap into the full potential of a diverse workforce. Defining inclusion is one thing but having a culture that embodies itRead… Read more »

Leveraging the strengths we KNOW we have instead of worrying about the advantages we THINK others have

I drive a 2002 Kia Rio and over the last few years I have noticed countless others driving the same vehicle. Each time I see a Kia Rio, I cannot refrain from comparing our cars. Is my car in better shape? Does their car come with power windows with extra leg room? Although I continueRead… Read more »

Do I Really Want To Work Here? What Are You Doing To Keep Me Engaged?

Many of us have experienced that moment – that moment when the excitement of a new job or new role begins to wane and we feel less than enthusiastic about going to work every day – the engagement decline. When you get that “Ugh, I so don’t want to come to work today…” feeling, oftenRead… Read more »

Do I Really Want to Work Here: What Are Your Diversity Practices Telling Me?

Have you ever walked into an organization and just got that “Uh, why does everyone look the same” feeling… I know I have. You may have heard the expression, people are like snowflakes, and no two are the same – that’s diversity folks. In today’s ever diverse business environment, for organizations to excel, they mustRead… Read more »

It’s Not About The Pay, It’s About The Passion

In my last post, I wrote about disengaged, yet loyal, employees. I received several comments from readers and colleagues about the message contained in that article. Some wanted to know more about the personal experience that I included in the article, others questioned who would stay in a job that they didn’t enjoy, and severalRead… Read more »

Job Losses and the Effect on Innovation

As the Canadian Public Service navigates through the recent job cuts as part of the 2012 budget, I’ve written about different skills that will help any public servant through cutbacks including survival tips for those who survive the job losses and a call to truly think if the public service is the right career forRead… Read more »

MYTHS & FACTS: Federal Sector EEO Process

Background: Some recent commentary and conjecture have taken aim at the federal sector equal employment opportunity (EEO) complaint process. Following are facts to aid in demystifying the “myths”: MYTH: Discrimination is found in less than 2 percent of EEO complaints. FACT: Discrimination may occur in up to 33 percent of EEO cases. The 2-3 percentRead… Read more »