Posts Tagged: diversity

The Reality of American Indian/Alaska Native Heritage Month

It is appropriate to talk about the fact that American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) federal employees have the lowest engagement levels of any racial group in the federal sector — after all it is AI/AN Heritage Month. As we recognize the many accomplishments, contributions, and sacrifices of our first citizens and their ancestors, as well asRead… Read more »

Killing Inclusion through Diversity

Is there another more over exposed word in the federal government than diversity? Over the past week I kept a journal of instances I have seen or heard this “D-word” in my workplace-chief diversity officer, diversity of thought, office of diversity, diversity solutions, diversity of vocabulary, diversity of interests, racial diversity, gender diversity, cultural diversityRead… Read more »

Disengagement Then, Disengagement Now and Disengagement Forever

If you ever talk to American Indian/Alaska Native, Persons with Disabilities and People of Two or More Races employees, you are conversing with some of the most disengaged workers in the federal government. The work realities of these employee groups look something like this: • Their small numbers enhance their invisibility. • They have theRead… Read more »

Want Engagement: Be a Misfit

Talk to an American Indian employee, a colleague with a disability, a person of two or more races or a Millennial and you will hear a common theme. They are some of the most disengaged employees in the federal government. The federal government has given up on these important constituencies so they have no alternativeRead… Read more »

How to Reap the Benefits of a Diverse Workforce

Ever felt left out at work, like you didn’t fit in with your coworkers in some way or another? If you work in the public sector, you are not the only one who’s had that experience. According to a survey conducted by Monster Government Solutions, 71 percent of federal workers report feeling misunderstood at workRead… Read more »

10 Ways You Can Manage Across Generations

There are four different generations working in government today—Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Millennials. When approaching working outside of our own generation, we often have a tendency to rely on stereotypes (i.e. Traditionalists will never accept change and Millennials are unreliable job hoppers) and that can ruin great partnerships before they ever get started.Read… Read more »

When Deflated Footballs Are More Important Than a Racial Slur

Recently the self-regulating, non-profit called the National Football League (NFL) that does not pay any income taxes added more ridicule to its shameless history when it penalized the New England Patriots for using under inflated footballs during its American Football Conference (AFC) game against the Indianapolis Colts on January 18, 2005. You may be sayingRead… Read more »