Level Up Your Docs: Making Government Word Documents Accessible to All
Are your Word documents accessible to vision-impaired colleagues? A few simple steps can improve your written communications for those who use screen reader technology.
Are your Word documents accessible to vision-impaired colleagues? A few simple steps can improve your written communications for those who use screen reader technology.
Writing from the Midwest…last month is memorable because: 1) the good people at GovLoop invited me to guest blog, and I am honored; 2) I joined Medicare Nation, and I wonder how that happened; and 3) I saw some of the founding, public documents important to history as I know it, and I have gooseRead… Read more »
Repository of city documents are available online now. This include reports, resolution, ordinance, budget back to 1920’s. We are in the process of adding more to the repository. Access the website from following URL http://www.records.cityofsacramento.org
Last week as I walked the exhibition hall at FOSE 2011, I was amazed at how much innovation is aimed at making our United States Government (the greatest in the world) even better. I had some great conversations with government employees, consultants, and vendors who are trying hard to make agencies more efficient, more effective-inRead… Read more »
I remember when I settled on my document management software choice. The happiness I felt in finding a solution that could solve our problems was replaced by fear. It was the biggest single investment in technology that my agency had ever made and the decision was left up to me. What if I picked theRead… Read more »
Working for housing and community development agencies gave me many glimpses of health and human service agencies, both governmental and non-profits. As a result, I know many case managers, folks who’ve dedicated their professional lives to helping others through programs like homeless prevention, nutrition, vocational rehabilitation and foster care. What’s so hard about dedicating yourRead… Read more »
Paper is a costly crutch and one that may be handicapping your office more than helping. Paper Free Day asks you to commit one day to: 1. Conscientiously make a point to not PRINT 2. Investigate a business process or technology that can cut the paper waste in your office 3. Participate or Produce aRead… Read more »
Orginal Blog Post can be found at http://aiimcommunities.org/capture/blog/paperfree-day-tweet-jam-share-ideas World Paperfree Day: Tweet Jam Join us on October 21 from 11-12:30 EST for a tweet jam focused on decreasing (eliminating?) our reliance on paper. Allow me to elucidate. What’s a Tweet JamMusicians jam together by riffing off of a common theme; playing off of each otherRead… Read more »
AIIM are conducting a survey about Electronic Records Management products, and need some help with ratings from users. If you can help us out, will take approximately 5 minutes to complete, and we have an iPad to giveaway to a lucky participant. The survey is available at http://www.zoomerang.com/Survey/WEB22B4HME4F3F We have also this year launched anRead… Read more »
When I go to conferences where I’m presenting, I typically give my presentations using Keynote on the Mac. What I don’t like is not having a remote device to control my presentation and I don’t feel like going out and spending too much money on one…even if my work would pay for it. However, aRead… Read more »