One Step at a Time: Service Delivery With the Cloud
Because so much money has been put into maintaining those old systems, it can be hard to convince your superiors that cloud-based technology is actually more cost-efficient in the long run.
Because so much money has been put into maintaining those old systems, it can be hard to convince your superiors that cloud-based technology is actually more cost-efficient in the long run.
To continue the discussion on diversity, the Department of the Interior hosted an event to elaborate on the tactical implementation of agency’s Inclusive Workplace Strategy. This event served as a follow-up to last week’s Diversity and Inclusion Leadership in the 21st Century put on by the Partnership for Public Service. The talk consisted of aRead… Read more »
Last week, the Partnership for Public Service held an event on Diversity and Inclusion Leadership in the 21st Century. One of the most memorable moments of the discussion was meeting the Secretary of the Department of the Interior, Sally Jewell, who’s recently transitioned to her government role from the private sector. Before President Obama nominatedRead… Read more »
It’s been two years since President Obama signed the Executive Order on Diversity and Inclusion in the federal workplace. As we all know, organizations and organizational culture take a great deal of time to change. This is especially the case for government agencies, which are often over a hundred years old. Today, I attended anRead… Read more »
I just got back from another wonderful AFFIRM Luncheon for a great discussion about the changing landscape for mobility in the government workforce. The event began with insightful opening remarks from Wyatt Kash, Editorial Director for AOL Government. Kash addressed the changes that smart devices have brought to the way we connect and work andRead… Read more »
In 1996 Tom Daschle called the last shut down a premeditated conspiracy to impact small businesses and shut down the economy. Today we want to know the hard facts. Perhaps there is something we can learn especially from contracting officers, and program managers about what to expect from a Government Shut down. What will aRead… Read more »
In reviewing some past blogs that can be found on, I noticed an interesting article from Gov Loop’s very own Andrew Krzmarzick written June 25, 2010. Andy asks a great question then that is even more important to ask the question 7 months later. As it appears from President Hu Jintao’s recent visit toRead… Read more »
A few weeks ago, my church Alfred Street Baptist had a Mens Retreat that opened with a good old fashioned golf outing. For those of you who don’t know what Best Ball is, let me explain. In a foursome (4 golfers playing against other groups of 4). The golfers hit off the tee and theRead… Read more »
To a crowd of over 500 largely government web development managers and public relations professionals, panelist Federal Chief Information Officer Vivek Kundra, Macon Phillips, Special Assistant to the President and White House Director of New Media, and GSA Office of Citizen Services Associate Administrator David McClure, spoke to the GSA’s Web Developer Management University audienceRead… Read more »
A bill to make it easier for small businesses to win federal contracts on Thursday cleared the Senate committee where similar provisions have stalled, and the panel’s leader said she is confident the legislation will become law. The Senate Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee unanimously passed the Small Business Contracting Revitalization Act (S. 2989). TheRead… Read more »