Posts Tagged: DorobekINSIDER

Millennial Mayhem – Managing, Training and Capitalizing

Next year, millennials will make up more than 35% of the federal workforce. That’s a staggering number of feds who will all have been born after 1976. So how can leaders really connect, train, manage and capitalize on their talents? Logan Harper is community manager for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s SchoolRead… Read more »

Don’t get blindsided by fiscal contraints – Management is what matters

When the President was Inaugurated on Monday, he unveiled a broad agenda for the next four years. But one thing was missing from his inaugural address – civil service reform and management. But Tom Fox says in order for any of the other priorities to be successful you first have to have strong leadership andRead… Read more »

Pay Freeze Paused? Plus the DorobekINSIDER 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Big Data is a word that’s being thrown around a lot recently. It’s a new term for an old problem; having too much data. Not an overly complicated issue to grasp, albeit the solution to the problem is a much more complicated one. With the federal Big Data market being estimatedRead… Read more »

Does Mobility Matter? Is Implementing the Digital Gov’t Strategy Possible? 4 CIOs weigh in

Mobility is one of the major cornerstones of the Digital Government Strategy. And a new poll shows that 22% of people own at least one tablet device. So clearly the move to mobile is here and here to stay. And the role of mobility is even more challenging for federal CIOs. They’re being asked toRead… Read more »

Inauguration day, fed style – Plus the 7 DorobekINSIDER stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: As a journalist, a college student a writer by trade, i’ve been filled with the horrors of plagiarism. So when I heard Henry Sienkiewicz tell the crowd gathered at the Keys to Next Generation Security Operations conference that not only is plagiarism ok, it’s encouraged when it comes to cybeersecurity, IRead… Read more »

When plagiarism isn’t a bad thing: Cybersecurity

As a journalist, a college student a writer by trade, i’ve been filled with the horrors of plagiarism. So when I heard Henry Sienkiewicz tell the crowd gathered at the Keys to Next Generation Security Operations conference that not only is plagiarism ok, it’s encouraged when it comes to cybeersecurity, i was shocked. Sienkiewicz isRead… Read more »

Inauguration Bite: 4 things you can do to deal with the transition

Today is Inauguration Day and no amount of prep work can prepare anyone for the tremendous amount of changes that the administration will face in the upcoming months. Cabinet secretaries will be confirmed. Policies will be unveiled. And the new 113 Congress will get down to governing. So what can you do? The career fedRead… Read more »

Military suicides on the rise: What can be done to help?

Here’s a sad fact, last year more service members committed suicide than died on the battlefield. Despite extensive support and counseling programs, as many as 349 service members committed suicide last year, which would be the highest number since the Department of Defense began keeping detailed statistics in 2001. The President and the Defense SecretaryRead… Read more »