Posts Tagged: DorobekINSIDER

Is government IT TOO big to succeed?

As the world has become dependent on information technology (IT), so has the federal government and its constituencies. Leveraged effectively, technical tools can engage the public, create cost savings, and improve outcomes. These benefits are obscured by regular reminders that federal IT is fundamentally flawed. It is too big to succeed,” said Zachary Bastian. TheRead… Read more »

My Share of the Task: Stanley McCrystal. Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: For federal leaders sometimes it’s hard to focus on what they can actually control. They get bogged down in abstracts and politics. Tom Fox from the Partnership for Public Service says that should top this list for New Years Resolutions for leaders. Click here for the full recap. But up front:Read… Read more »

Focus on what you can do – advice for leaders

When the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Eve millions of people around the world start planning their resolutions. For most people those resolutions fall into a few categories: health, relationships, family and career. We are going to tackle the career question here. And sometimes the resolutions are more about perspective than anything else. TomRead… Read more »

Your money, is it safe from the Debt Ceiling? Plus the DorobekINSIDER 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Twitter, facebook, instagram, Google+ — all these tools and more have been around for a few years. But many government agencies are still slow to see their value. We’re not saying there aren’t real pockets of innovation. But on the whole government is slow. Why is that? Click here for theRead… Read more »

Let’s Give Them Something To Talk About – Role of Social Media Going Forward? #connectedgov

Twitter, facebook, instagram, googleplus — all these tools and more have been around for a few years. But many government agencies are still slow to see their value. We’re not saying there aren’t real pockets of innovation. But on the whole government is slow. Why is that? The Partnership for Public Service and Booz AllenRead… Read more »

Tech Evolves Quickly – Are CIOs Able to Keep Up?

The pace of technology is unbelievably fast. Tablets, mobile and big data are all transforming the technology world. But cybersecurity experts and chief information officers are struggling to keep up. Anne Reed is the President of Anne Reed Consulting. She is also the former CIO at the USDA. She recently won the prestigious Janice K.Read… Read more »

Obama Nominees are in for a fight – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: There is really no way around it – the federal workforce is getting smaller. Budget cuts and the potential sequestration are forcing the issue. So what does that mean for the acquisition workforce going forward? Who stays? Click here for the full recap. The first new appointments to the Obama administrationRead… Read more »

The Federal Workforce is Going to be SMALLER – So who gets cut? Acquisition Workforce?

There is really no way around it – the federal workforce is getting smaller. Budget cuts and the potential sequestration are forcing the issue. So what does that mean for the acquisition workforce going forward? Who stays? Stan Soloway is the President and CEO of the Professional Services Council. His team has just completed theirRead… Read more »

What’s Really in the Sequestration Deal – Plus Your DorobekINSIDER 7 Stories You Need to Know

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Budget cuts and the potential for sequestration are always going to be on the table. So DHS’s Chief Procurement Officer says feds need to learn to deal with budgetary reality. Click here for the full recap. But up front: Just about everybody is back to it after holiday distractions. The bigRead… Read more »