Posts Tagged: DorobekINSIDER

What should FEMA’s role be in an emergency? Plus the DorobekINSIDER 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: November 5th. That’s the day would-be Presidential Management Fellows can begin their applications for the prestigious program. The highly competitive and very thorough application process is incredibly hard to successfully navigate. But we here at GovLoop are here to help. Click here for the full recap. But First: What the roleRead… Read more »

Applying to be a PMF? We’ve got the inside track to get you ahead

November 5th. That’s the day would-be Presidential Management Fellows can begin their applications for the prestigious program. The highly competitive and very thorough application process is incredibly hard to successfully navigate. But we here at GovLoop are here to help. Our team in partnership with the Robertson Foundation for Government, have designed an interactive guide,Read… Read more »

Agencies Rush to Aid Hurricane Sandy’s Relief Efforts — Plus DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insight’s DorobekINSIDER The Office of Personnel Management estimates that one-third of the almost 300,000 federal employees, including emergency staff in the DC metro area telework when government buildings are closed because of weather. That’s a HUGE increase. So is Hurricane Sandy the catalyst for telework? Click here for the full recap. This blogRead… Read more »

Is Hurricane Sandy the Catalyst for Telework?

The Office of Personnel Management estimates that one-third of the almost 300,000 federal employees, including emergency staff in the DC metro area telework when government buildings are closed because of weather. That’s a huge increase from the 8% of federal employees who telework on a weekly basis. So could Hurricane Sandy and super storms likeRead… Read more » Web Content Manager Shares Best Practices and Advice for Website Redesign

This blog is the Part II of a two part series on the award-winning government website, Visit the first installment to get a full picture of how the city’s website has been so successful. Chris Florance, the Web Content Manager for the City of Austin, Texas, spoke on the DorobekINSIDER about the newly designedRead… Read more »

Government Social Media Reacts to the Storm – The Communication Evolution

Hurricane Sandy might go down in history as the first natural disaster to really go viral. The Huffington Post reports, More than 244,000 photos have been posted to Instagram with the hashtag #sandy, according to app founder Kevin Systrom. More than 144,000 more have been posted under #hurricanesandy and another 23,000 photos under #frankenstorm. “ThereRead… Read more » Award Winning Site Increases Accessibility and Expands Audience

As citizens continue to move away from desktops to mobile technologies, it becomes increasingly important for developers to consider how their site design will appear not only on desktops and laptops, but tablets, smartphones, and other mobile devices. Additionally, investing significant resources in website design may be seen as investing in obsolete technology, with soRead… Read more »

Government Responds to Hurricane Sandy — Plus the DorobekINSIDER 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: What are the biggest challenges facing state and local cio’s? Are they the same as the challenges facing the federal government? Maybe so. TechAmerica has surveyed hundreds of cio’s. Click here for the full recap. But first: Hurricane Sandy Prep The President has pledged to cut through bureaucracy to get aidRead… Read more »

What’s the Biggest Challenge for State CIOs?

What are the top tech concerns facing state and local cio’s? Are they same as the tech concerns facing the federal government? TechAmerica teamed up with the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) and Grant Thornton for the third year to survey state government IT leaders. Carol Henton is the Vice President forRead… Read more »