Posts Tagged: DorobekINSIDER

3 takes on suspensions and debarments and say goodbye to continuous improvements?

 On Today’s Program for Tuesday May 15, 2012
 Suspensions and debarments — it is the ultimate way if there are problems with a government contractor, but it can also wreak havoc to government contracting. A panel at the ACT-IAC Excellence in Acquisition conference recently, and we’ll hear highlights…
 Do more with less — weRead… Read more »

Suspensions and Debarments — 3 perspectives — Why do they happen and are they necessary?

Joe Jordan is the President’s nominee to be the next administrator at the Office of Federal Procurement Policy. During his confirmation hearing Jordan was grilled on how he would improve agencies’ use of suspension and debarment against poorly performing contractors and how he would get a handle on the unknown number of contracts used throughoutRead… Read more »

Continuous improvement is great, but shouldn’t we innovate?

Do more with less. We’ve all heard it, and it’s great to create lean services during austerity. However, there’s a limit to lean, and a point where we need to try new things and do things differently. Chris Dorobek of the DorobekINSIDER spoke with Ron Ashkenas, Managing Partner at Schaffer Consulting, author of Simply EffectiveRead… Read more »

DorobekINSIDER: 7 Stories you need to know: Defense contractors join the Pentagon’s cyber-defense strategy

The SEVEN stories that impact your life for Tuesday the 15th of May, 2012 The Pentagon predicts that as many as 1,000 defense contractors may join a voluntary effort to share classified information on cyber threats under an expansion of a first-ever initiative to protect computer networks. BusinessWeek reports that the program comes after aRead… Read more »

Breaking down the DATA Act, Why company culture matters and why the future of technology hinges on connections

 On today’s program for Monday May 14th, 2012:

 Follow the money — federal government style. We’ll take a look at the new Digital Accountability and Transparency Act. We’ll talk to the executive director of the Recovery, Accountability and Transparency Board, Michael Wood, about how you bring lessons learned from to federal spending.
 Salary,Read… Read more »

Follow the money — federal government style. An inside look at the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act

Do more with less — but how do you get there if you don’t know what you’re spending in the first place. That is one of the big challenges facing federal agencies. In fact, they’ve been facing that challenge for some time.
The House of Representatives has approved a bill requiring the government to clearly showRead… Read more »

The 7 Gov’t Stories you need to know: OMB says agencies need to cut travel by 30%

The SEVEN stories that impact your life for Monday the 14th of May, 2012 The Office of Management and Budget has directed agencies to cut travel spending by 30 percent. It’s part of the White House’s mission to crack down on government waste. The director of the Office of Management and Budget — Jeffrey ZientsRead… Read more »

Why company culture matters in 3 easy steps

When it comes to picking your next job — don’t just factor in pay, benefits and job title. Company culture also makes a big difference.

 Bill Barnett says, “that’s one element that often gets overlooked in the job hunting process.”
 Mr. Barnett led the Strategy Practice at McKinsey & Company and has taught career strategyRead… Read more »

Public Service Recognition Week: A look back at the highs and lows of the Secret Service

 Welcome to
 GovLoop Insights 

Issue of the Week with Chris Dorobek… where each week, our goal is to find an issue — a person — an idea — then helped define the past 7-days… and we work to find an issue that will also will have an impact on the days, weeks and monthsRead… Read more »

How to succeed as a political appointee, Harnessing the power of big data, Ranking local gov’t social media sites

 On today’s program for Thursday May 10th, 2012

 How to 
succeed in government leadership — and yes, that includes political leadership. We’ll talk to Paul Lawrence, one of the authors of the new book, Paths to Making a Difference: Leading in Government. Big data — it’s the latest buzz word floating around government. ButRead… Read more »