Posts Tagged: DorobekINSIDER

The 7 Gov’t Stories you Need to Know: An end to Sequestration? Congress looks for a Solution…

DorobekINSIDER’s: SEVEN stories that impact your life for Monday the 7th of May, 2012 12.1 — that’s the percentage of spending cuts agencies could see next January if Congress does not come up with an alternative to sequestration. Federal News Radio says the cuts are based on agencies’ fiscal 2012 discretionary budgets. The Budget ControlRead… Read more »

Sneak Peak of HP New Media Gallery at Newseum – Audio

Last week I had the chance to get a sneak peak of the HP New Media Gallery, which will open on Friday at the Newseum. The exhibit is absolutely fantastic, and is a great display of social media’s increasingly important role in journalism and society. From a Newseum press release (download here), “The gallery isRead… Read more »

Avoiding the Email Deluge, How to Guide for Gov’t PR and 25 Old Fart Rules for Millennials

Avoiding the Email Deluge, How to Gude for Gov’t PR and 25 Old Fart Rules for Millennials by GovLoop Insights On today’s program for Thursday May 5th, 2012: E-mail overload… we talked about this some earlier. Are there ways of avoiding the deluge. The importance of PR — and why PR matters 25 Old FartRead… Read more »

Millennials listen up — 25 Old Fart Rules that you Need to Learn

Millennials — the tech savy, short attention spanned 20-somethings are entering the government workforce in record numbers. They’re often lauded as the tech saviors for the older, outdated workforce. But there are still a bunch of things these young employees can learn from their predecessors. Mark Babbitt is CEO and Founder of YouTern. He toldRead… Read more »

Government PR Flacks: Focus on the long-term relationships

Public relations is an evolving industry and it is interesting, especially in government, where there isn’t always an obvious sell to be made and rarely a profit to be earned. Steve Radick, Vice President at Cramer-Krasselt, joined Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER to talk about where the industry is headed. Social media has, in someRead… Read more »

The DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Gov’t Stories you Need to know: GOP Defense Budget trumps Poverty

The SEVEN stories that impact your life for Thursday May 3rd, 2012: The House GOP budget puts avoiding defense cuts above poverty programs. Politico reports, “The House Budget Committee is meeting to put the final touches on the more than $300 billion 10-year package — the opening shot of a fall campaign to preserve defenseRead… Read more »

Buy Better, Deliver Better, Be More Efficient — the new commandments of SBA?

In the changing government market, small businesses are becoming even more critical to enabling agencies to accomplish their missions. Yet despite new rules, regulations and goals, there still seems to be a disconnect between agencies and those small business. What can be done to make the match between the two sides? The government’s renewed interestRead… Read more »

Federal Leaders Fail to Connect — Advice on how to correct the problem

Feds give government executives low marks when it comes to leadership. That’s the top finding from a new assessment of the Parternership for Public Service Best Places to Work in Government rankings. Tom Fox is the Vice President for Leadership and Innovation at PPS. He gave Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER a breakdown of theRead… Read more »