Posts Tagged: DorobekINSIDER

Can Twitter track diseases?

Can twitter be Twitter be used to track illnesses? Possibly. Illnesses usually hit in waves. Think of your kids’ preschool class or your office when a cold hits. The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response is trying to track these illness breakouts and they’re using a challenge to make it happen. DianaRead… Read more »

Social Media CAN help Catch Crooks, Using Twitter to Track Diseases and Women in Technology

Social Media CAN help Catch Crooks, Using Twitter to Track Diseases and Women in Technology by GovLoop Insights On today’s program Monday April 9th, 2012: Using social media to track down bad guys… We told you about the TAG Challenge a few weeks ago. It was made possible by a State Department grant. The challengeRead… Read more »

Outraged by the GSA spending scandal? Insights from a former GSA Commissioner

The DorobekINSIDER Issue of the Week: The Washington Post has declared that GSA clearly had the worst week in Washington. This week, GSA administrator Martha Johnson resigned amid allegations of excessive spending at a conference. GSA Inspector General Brian Miller issued a report detailing contracting irregularities and excessive spending after a Las Vegas conference. TheRead… Read more »

Can tech create Democracy? 10 Leadership Commandments from an Admiral

It’s Day Three of FOSE week and the DorobekINSIDER is there brining you the inside scoop at the annual government IT conference and trade show. Chris has been tweeting up a storm and you can follow him @cdorobek. FOSE has been producing some great panels. And the Former Senator Senator from Maine George Mitchell’s panelRead… Read more »

Charting the future of Tech — with Federal CIO Steven VanRoekel

Federal Chief Information Officer Steven VanRoekel kicked off the FOSE conference. He did a pretty amazing presentation, going through the history of technology. He actually pulled out an overhead projectors — yes, really. Apparently they found one in a White House closet. Then he used ASCII. Then PowerPoint. And then an iPad… to show theRead… Read more »

Making Acquisitions Count — One Austere Budget at a Time

Making Acquisitions Count with Chris Dorobek by GovLoop Insights Happy Tuesday April 3rd, 2012. We have a special show lined up for you today since It’s FOSE week. FOSE is the big government IT conference and trade show going on now here in Washington. Through the magic of radio Chris Dorobek is actually there rightRead… Read more »

The Do’s and Don’ts of Gov’t Contests, Cloud in the Intelligence Community and Is Acquisition too boring for Millennials?

The Do’s and Don’ts of Contests, Cloud in Intelligence, Is Acquisition boring for Millennials? by GovLoop Insights On today’s program for April 2, 2012 Apps for the Environment… it is one of the more successful challenges that the government has conducted. What worked… and what didn’t? The EPA has put together their lessons learned —Read… Read more »

EPA’s Apps for the Environment — Lessons Learned — What you need to know!

There’s a lot of talk about challenges and contests and many government organizations are actually doing them. But what works and what doesn’t? Last year, the Environmental Protection Agency conducted a challenge… Apps for the Environment — the EPA’s developer challenge. The goal was to create environmental applications using EPA data. And the challenge scoredRead… Read more »

Cloud Computing and the Intelligence Community — Do they fit?

Apparently yes! In fact, Bob Gourley, the Chief Technology Officer at Crucial Point, says the Intelligence Community is leading the cloud computing charge. He’s just wrapped up a whitepaper for the Intelligence Community. He told Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER program why. Bob Gourley talks Cloud Computing with Chris Dorobek by cdorobek The 8 BigRead… Read more »