Posts Tagged: DorobekINSIDER

Managing Government Funds

As kids we were beyond ecstatic when we heard that extra change jingling around in our piggy banks. We may have used the extra cash to treat ourselves, but the main goal was to keep as much money in the piggy bank as we could, for as long as possible. Unfortunately, government doesn’t function inRead… Read more »

Oh, the Problem Performances You’ll Meet

Remember the good ol’ days when we all received report cards in school? We may not have appreciated them at the time, but as adults, we may be able to see the value they gave us in framing problems we were facing or areas where we needed to work a bit more. Today, government isRead… Read more »

Tips for Young Leaders to Succeed in the Workplace

Every few decades we undergo a change in the workforce demographics. Leadership has always had its challenges, but there are inherently different kinds of difficulties when there is a new wave of younger leaders emerging in the workforce. Tom Fox, Vice President for Leadership and Innovation at the Partnership for Public Service, sat down withRead… Read more »

How to Prepare Yourself for the Digital Age of Government

Wouldn’t it be nice if there were a manual on all things life? You might even settle for a manual that helps you prepare for the digital age of government. Unfortunately, it does not exist – yet. However, there are experts out there like William Eggers who provide us with some tidbits about how toRead… Read more »

Keeping Up with Your Retirement Funds is a Current Effort

We live in a world where we are concerned about the now. We tend to forget to think a bit more long-term than that next term paper or assignment. But we should think long-term about our retirement funds. Govies need to be aware of them and particularly what the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) has toRead… Read more »

Stan the Man: The Voice of Technological Change in Govt

Change is never easy. We know it is inevitable and yet, it still knocks us off our feet a bit. Government has been undergoing some changes in technological procurement, innovations, and more. For some, these changes seem life altering. They may even make you feel a bit lost. But, there are some people who areRead… Read more »

Thank Govies-They Make Differences That Affect Us All

Ever read about someone else’s impressive accomplishments and feel like you are reading about a distant, far-off land where superheroes exist and they have nothing to do with you? The truth is, those superheroes are real people who do affect your lives. You may not know it, but your govies here in the U.S. areRead… Read more »

A Change in the Air

Have you ever considered buying that fancy new media console from IKEA, but after taking a glance at the manual and all the complicated instructions that come along with it, thought twice about it? Some manuals and processes are so complex they prevent us from moving forward with something before we even really get started.Read… Read more »

Your Idea Could be the Change You Want to See

Have you ever complained to a friend about how you could make a difference if you only had the tools to do so? Or ever look around your neighborhood and wish some things were different – improved even? Wait no more. The Knight Cities Challenge is the opportunity to have your ideas become a reality.Read… Read more »

Take the Data and be Transformational

Ever wonder if technology really does make our life easier? Is all of the data we collect really worth the time and energy? Sometimes we feel so overwhelmed with the minute details and intricacies of technological data collection that we fail to see the big picture. According to B. J. Walker, Director at Deloitte Consulting, itRead… Read more »