Posts Tagged: DorobekINSIDER

DorobekINSIDER: Helping find a new federal CIO – part 1

Hey there. I’m Christopher Dorobek — the DorobekINSIDER — and welcome GovLoop’s DorobekINSIDER… where we focus on six words: Helping government do its job better. Who will be the new federal chief information officer? It has been something of a parlor game for months, ever since Steve VanRoekel announced he was stepping down from thatRead… Read more »

Data Download – A Year In Open Data

In February, the Commence Department opened the Office of Digital Engagement. The idea was simple. Create an office where users can interact with the department on any communication channel. Twitter? Of course. Facebook? You bet. Even Instagram. “This year we put our Secretary on Instagram. She was the first cabinet member to be on Instagram,”Read… Read more »

A Year of Technology Trends and Innovations

When I think of the future of technological innovation and development, my mind first goes to artificial intelligence and robots. But technological innovation doesn’t have to be quite as grandiose, and digital innovation is present today. In terms of government, local, state and federal agencies are challenging their former risk-adverse natures and creating new innovationRead… Read more »

‘Tis the Season for Acquisition Reform?

‘Tis the season for end of year reflections. And in 2014, the government technology and acquisition communities had a lot to reflect on. The rollout of, the launch of 18F, the President’s announcement of a new professional cadre of digital procurers, were just a few innovations and challenges that cropped up this year. TwoRead… Read more »

Agencies Can’t Climb Everest Alone

Mount Everest is the highest mountain on earth. The Himalayan peak’ is more than 29,000 feet above sea level. And only a few more than 5,000 intrepid climbers have ever reached the top. Those who have reached the summit have done so with the help of trusty guides and with the insights of climbers ofRead… Read more »

Happy to Work in Gov? Survey Says No

I am going to be brutally honest with you. It’s a tough time to be a federal employee. For the fourth year in a row, The Best Places to Work data showed a decline in federal employee satisfaction. The Partnership for Public Service found government-wide, federal employee job satisfaction and commitment fell 0.9 points to aRead… Read more »

Don’t Throw Out the FAR – Transform It

A few weeks ago on the DorobekINSIDER, host Chris Dorobek made a radical call for a government restart – he suggested doing away with the Federal Acquisition Regulation. The FAR was intended to answer any and every procurement question under the sun, but the resulting document has more than 99 parts and thousands of subchapters.Read… Read more »