Posts Tagged: DorobekINSIDER

Twitter, Technology, and Customizable Education

Visual. Audio. Kinesthetic. What type of learner are you? We each have different wiring in our brains, so why assume that we all learn the same way? With traditional learning strategies, a generalized model tends to be applied to large groups of people, but this doesn’t always yield homogenous results in terms of comprehending theRead… Read more »

Celebrating Veterans Day: 3 Foundations Making a Difference For Wounded Warriors

A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself. ~ Joseph Campbell In honor of Veterans Day we here on the DorobekINSIDER wanted to take a moment and highlight three organizations that are really going above and beyond to help our wounded warriors. The Warrior Foundation serves those thatRead… Read more »

Grading the 113th Congress: Incomplete

It’s been a few years since burning bras and the women’s rights movement, but women still face inequality issues. Whether it’s the glass ceiling or unequal pay, women are subjected to certain gender-based moves in the workplace. And organizations like Federally Employed Women (FEW) strive to combat this type of gender-discrimination within federal agencies. ChrisRead… Read more »

How Leaders Can Improve Employee Morale

When a crisis hits, leaders can overlook their people – focusing on the situation at hand, but forgetting about the person working right beside them. When employees see trust in government decline, their morale can suffer too. It becomes a domino effect – when employee morale suffers, so too does the agency’s ability to activelyRead… Read more »

Should Politicos Weigh In on Management?

The jobs of politically appointed executives leading federal agencies are typically seen as being mostly about policy and politics, not internal management and organizational performance. But is that really the case? And if so, should politicos then stay out of the management realm? Harvard’s Kennedy School recently looked at the issue in their new report,Read… Read more »

Is There a Yelp for Gov?

You wouldn’t go to a new restaurant without checking out the Yelp reviews, but government might buy a billion dollar software system without checking the data first. But now government is trying to reverse the trend. They are starting to use performance data to create better government decision-making. Chris Mihm, Managing Director of Strategic IssuesRead… Read more »

former federal CIO Steve VanRoekel at GeekWire

DorobekINSIDER: 6 Reasons Silicon Valley Can’t Fix Government

Hey there. I’m Christopher Dorobek — the DorobekINSIDER — and welcome GovLoop’s DorobekINSIDER… where we focus on six words: Helping government do its job better. On GovLoop’s DorobekINSIDER: Living in a Mobile World – lessons learned from ACT-IAC’s mobile apps fair: Some of the big takeaways from the app fair, emphasizing how government organizations areRead… Read more »

I’m a Millennial, But Don’t Stereotype Me!

Hello, my name is Emily and I am a millennial. And you know what? I am proud to be a millennial. Oftentimes, the millennials get a bad reputation as being lazy, tech focused and commitment phobes. But I’m here to tell you: It’s not all true. Right now, millennials make up about 16 percent of theRead… Read more »