Posts Tagged: DorobekINSIDER

Congress Works to Make Sure Gov Isn’t Overpaying Feds – Plus the 7 Gov Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: The problems the government faces are now bigger and more complicated than ever before. Just look at the healthcare, immigration, regulation or even the federal pay debate. No longer do problems fit nicely into one agency or department. Therefore, the need for collaboration is more apparent than ever. But how doRead… Read more »

Success in Government Relies on Collaboration

The problems the government faces are now bigger and more complicated than ever before. Just look at the healthcare, immigration, regulation or even the federal pay debate. No longer do problems fit nicely into one agency or department. Therefore, the need for collaboration is more apparent than ever. But how do you collaborate in aRead… Read more »

Don’t Be Afraid To Play Ball With Today’s Hackers

They’re known as hackers, fraudsters, cheats, criminals, pirates, delinquents, crooks, and now…baseball players? One of our recent speakers in the webinar, A Smarter Approach to Counter Fraud, compared these hackers to MLB all-stars. Legend Ty Cobb holds the greatest career batting average ever with .366. That means he didn’t even hit the ball two-thirds ofRead… Read more »

Does Hero Worship of the Military Get in the Way of Good Policy?

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Hurricane Sandy was one of the deadliest on record. To jump start the recovery process in 2012, the government created a $50 billion dollar Hurricane Sandy disaster relief fund. The money was a huge help, but tracking those funds could have been a nightmare. Meet the Sammies finalist who is keepRead… Read more »

Lessons Learned from the Cleanup of Hurricane Sandy – How to Track the $$$

Hurricane Sandy was one of the deadliest on record. The massive storm took the lives of 117 people in the United States and 69 more in Canada and the Caribbean. The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) estimates that Sandy caused $5 billion dollars in losses: $4.75 billion in infrastructure damage and a further $246 million inRead… Read more »

The age of disruption – or destruction? – Plus the 7 Gov Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: How to turn leaders into great leaders. Is the key a “gut feeling” coupled with lots of experience? Find out with career coach Julie Winkle Guillioni. You can find all of our programs online: and GovLoop Insights at But up front: The age of disruption – or destruction? ThereRead… Read more »

When Tummy Hurting is a Good Thing: Learning to Trust Your Gut

“Our unconscious reactions come out of a locked room, and we can’t look inside that room. But with experience we become expert at using our behavior and our training to interpret – and decode – what lies behind our snap judgment and first impressions.” –Malcolm Gladwell Your subconscious mind constantly records, connects and stores unrelatedRead… Read more »

5 take-aways from GovLoop’s DorobekINSIDER LIVE on wearables – Plus 7 Gov Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: It’s well known that federal employee spirits are low, but how low? Record low? The answer is yes. So what can managers do? Insights from the Partnership for Public Service’s Tom Fox. You can find all of our programs online: and GovLoop Insights at But up front: 5 take-awaysRead… Read more »

4 Easy Ways Leaders Can Improve Morale

It’s well known that federal employee spirits are low, but how low? Record low? Seems like that could be the case.The Office of Personnel Management recently surveyed the 2.1 million workers across the government about their satisfaction at work and the results were troubling. The Best Places to Work in the Federal Government Report foundRead… Read more »

12 Books to Help You Do Your Job Better – Plus the 7 Gov Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Sometimes you can’t choose your supporting cast. You have to manage what you have and make the best of it. Managers sometimes inherit employees they don’t know how to develop and they must work directly with peers they don’t mesh with. But the best leaders will always find a way toRead… Read more »