Posts Tagged: DorobekINSIDER

Conferences were next to impossible before the shutdown…now?

Getting approval to attend government conferences was a harrowing experience before the shutdown. Travel restrictions, budget cuts and management approval made it very difficult to attend any government conference, let alone conferences out of town. But now the government shutdown is going to make attending conferences even more difficult. Joyce Bosc is the President ofRead… Read more »

Positively Defiant – How These Feds Focus On Mission

Furloughed feds were on display last night at the annual Service to America Medals. The Oscars for federal employees. The Sammies bring together the best and the brightest career employees to honor their work at the annual gala. But this year’s Sammies were marred by the government shutdown. Four of the winners are on furloughRead… Read more »

#GovShutdown Day 3, No Closer to a Resolution – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: All this talk about shutdown, has a lot of people questioning why they work for the government in the first place. But for FBI Seamus McElearney he couldn’t imagine working anywhere else. Here why his government job matters to him. Shutdown Day 3 It sounds like a broken record, but… notRead… Read more »

What keeps me in the government is…

“What has kept in me in the federal government is the satisfaction of knowing I am making a difference. Yes it has been tough, there have been furloughs and negative discussions, but for the people that work here at the FBI, they take great pride in their work and their whole mission is to justRead… Read more »

#GovShutdown Reader Day 2 – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: One of the only ways to get through the horribleness that is the government shutdown is to remember all the good work that federal employees do on a daily basis. We profile a metallurgist who is saving lives on stent at a time. Not much hope in with the shutdown. TheRead… Read more »

Profile of government excellence – Helps us remember the importance of gov

One of the only ways to get through the horribleness that is the government shutdown is to remember all the good work that federal employees do on a daily basis. Tomorrow night is the annual Service to America Medals gala. The Oscars for career federal employees. Dr. Paul Jablonski is a metallurgist with the DepartmentRead… Read more »

Shutdown Day One – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: It happened. The federal government shutdown. But in all the coverage of the political debacle, the Senator Ted Cruz filibuster, the Obamacare riders, one thing seems to be overshadowed, the federal employees themselves. More than a third of the government workforce was told to go home because their work wasn’t deemedRead… Read more »

Look at what the gov can do when it’s not shutdown

It happened. The federal government shutdown. But in all the coverage of the political debacle, the Senator Ted Cruz filibuster, the Obamacare riders, one thing seems to be overshadowed, the federal employees themselves. More than a third, or 800,000, federal employees have been furloughed as of today. More than a third of the government workforceRead… Read more »

Hours Until Shutdown, What You Need to Know – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: It has been 17 years since the federal government last faced a partial shutdown. Every shutdown is different. The politics that cause them are different. But there are lessons to be learned from past shutdowns. We get insights from three former OPM directors. Your Shutdown Reader: GovLoop: When Will the GovRead… Read more »

Perspectives from the past – Former OPM directors weigh in on the shutdown

It has been 17 years since the federal government last faced a partial shutdown. 9/11 changed the government, leaving federal employees, citizens and even government decision-makers confused about what a shutdown would mean. Every shutdown is different. The politics that cause them are different. Because of technology and structural overhauls, the way the government functionsRead… Read more »