Posts Tagged: DorobekINSIDER

Performance Review 101 – How to get real results

We are rapidly approaching the end of the fiscal year and that means one thing for employees: performance review time. Ugh, the dreaded performance review, they are the bane of existence for employees and managers alike. But there are ways to make performance reviews less painful for everyone involved. Tom Fox is the Vice PresidentRead… Read more »

OMB Cuts Back Furlough Days – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Crowdsourcing is one of those words that means different things to different people. But one thing is clear, it’s the new way to innovate. We define it with author and professor Daren Brabham. The SEVEN stories that impact your life: The Office of Management and Budget is cutting its furlough daysRead… Read more »

Leveraging the power of the crowd – It’s not a mob mentality

Crowdsourcing is one of those words that means different things to different people. For our purposes, Daren Brabham defines it as, “Crowdsourcing it an online distributed problem solving and production model that uses the power of online communities to meet organizational needs.” Brabham is an Assistant Professor at the Annenberg School of Communication and JournalismRead… Read more »

Cyber Re-Fresh at DHS – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: GSA has approved Instagram in government. So how do you make the business case? Insights from IBM’s Gadi Ben-Yehuda. The SEVEN stories that impact your life: The Homeland Security Department named Phyllis Schneck as its new deputy under secretary of cybersecurity in the National Protection and Programs Directorate. Federal News RadioRead… Read more »

Snap – Why Instagram Matters in Gov

A few months back we talked to IBM’s Gadi Ben-Yehuda about the business case for Pinterest in government. We discovered Pinterest offered a new way for agencies to showcase their mission. Now GSA has approved terms of service for government to Instagram. So what’s the big deal? Ben-Yehuda is the innovation and social media directorRead… Read more »

Reducing crime by 35%, how one Sammies Finalist made it happen – Plus your weekend reads!

Violent crime rates on Indian reservations are twice as high as the national crime rate. Charles Addington, the associate director for field operations from the Bureau of Indian Affairs, was tasked with coming up with a solution to reduce crime on reservations by 5%. Addington’s data driven approach to policing was so successful, that violentRead… Read more »

FAA Aims to Avoid Furloughs in 2014 – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: We’ve all been part of the dreaded group project before. So you know there is always a weaker member, someone who doesn’t pull their own weight. The same phenomenon is true for inter-agency collaboration projects. Sometimes one agency just doesn’t give as much time or resources to a project as others.Read… Read more »

Is inter-agency collaboration just an expanded version of the dreaded group project?

We’ve all been part of the dreaded group project before. So you know there is always a weaker member, someone who doesn’t pull their own weight. The same phenomenon is true for inter-agency collaboration projects. Sometimes one agency just doesn’t give as much time or resources to a project as others. “One of the waysRead… Read more »

Assessing Top Secret clearances – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Today the big issues facing our government do not fall neatly into one agency’s mission. In order to find real solutions we need an enterprise approach. But right now agencies don’t speak the same language so collaboration is borderline impossible. We get nine solutions from Booz Allen Hamilton’s Ron Sanders. TheRead… Read more »

Are you speaking my language? How to become bureaucratically multi-cultural

“Today the big issues facing our government do not fall neatly into one agency’s mission. Food safety laws for example are regulated by 15 different agencies and teams. In order to find real solutions we need an enterprise approach,” said Ron Sanders. But the problem is government doesn’t collaboration very effectively or easily. Sanders isRead… Read more »