Posts Tagged: DorobekINSIDER

Sequester Cancels Navy Fleet Week – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Last week was a tragic one for our country, but if there was one bright spot it was the work of public servants. Oftentimes government workers are the butt of jokes or sneers, but when the manhunt ended last Friday, Boston turned out to cheer. We take a look at theRead… Read more »

Boston Manhunt Proves the Power of Interagency Collaboration

“Last week was a very dark week for the country, you had what happened in Boston, West Texas and the ricin letters sent to politicians here in DC. But in the midst of those tragedies there was a bright spot and that was the work of the public servants,” said Tom Fox. Fox is theRead… Read more »

Lawmakers Looks For Ways Around Sequestration – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: In the 2014 budget request the White House sent to Congress one of the few areas to not get cut dramatically was cybersecurity. But before we pour resources into protecting our networks from cyberattacks it is important to know from where and from who these attacks are coming. We take aRead… Read more »

Profiling a Data Breach – Where Should You Spend Your Cybersecurity Resources?

In the 2014 budget request the White House sent to Congress one of the few areas to not get cut dramatically was cybersecurity. But before we pour resources into protecting our networks from cyberattacks it is important to know from where and from who these attacks are coming. That’s where the annual Verizon 2013 DataRead… Read more »

Sequestration and Boston – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Open data, BYOD, data analytics, for many local government’s those innovative ideas aren’t a reality. For them the most important innovations are those that change their bureaucratic processes to improve the way they deliver their services while reducing their costs. We get insights from the New America Foundation. But up front:Read… Read more »

Understanding local government innovation and how it spreads

Open data, BYOD, data analytics, for many local government’s those innovative ideas aren’t a reality. For many them most important innovations are those that change their bureaucratic processes to improve the way they deliver their services while reducing their costs, according to a recently released report from the New American Foundation. Rachel Burstein is aRead… Read more »

Making Good Economic Decisions with Stats – Plus Your Weekend Reads

Every friday here on the DorobekINSIDER we try and take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Today we are talking about making better decisions by using statistical models. Jeff Grover is the author of the book Strategic Economic Decision Making. He told Chris Dorobek that using stats in your decision making processRead… Read more »

First Furloughs Go Into Effect – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: In our DorobekINSIDER Live panel Dr. Ted Smith said for citizen engagement to really be successful you don’t have to start the conversation, you just have to join it. Sequestration: Day 49 We had a great conversation Wednesday focusing on citizen engagement — and the challenges of engaging citizens in theRead… Read more »

Talk to Me: Dr. Ted R. Smith on Engaging Citizens through Established Conversations

On April 17th, Chris Dorobek was joined by a panel of professionals to talk citizen engagement on this month’s DorobekINSIDER LIVE. In the conversation with Dr. Ted R. Smith Chief Innovation Officer, Louisville Metro Economic Growth & Innovation, they discussed how the issue is not starting a conversation with the public, but rather having agenciesRead… Read more »