Drones Expand Their Operational Scope From Disaster Relief to Risk Mitigation
A new generation of autonomous drone technology is transforming how government prepares for, responds to, and recovers from natural disasters.
A new generation of autonomous drone technology is transforming how government prepares for, responds to, and recovers from natural disasters.
Drones are enhancing the safety and effectiveness of operations of our public safety agencies and are here to stay.
The future is hard to predict when the present is torn between the living, the living dead, and the never have lived at all. We don’t know the demographics of robots, sensors of the Internet of Things (IoT), learning machines, and drones. Of course, the count of zombies is unknown because they could very wellRead… Read more »
Over restricting a new industry will find people skirting the rules for fun or profit, so we must find a way to introduce and bolster a new technology without harming the public. UASs need to be considered a new aviation technology and with that, all new rules. This will create a safer industry.
By AlexOlesker Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: The Government Accountability Office warns congress that domestic drones raise privacy, security, and GPS jamming and spoofing issues. More here. In response to WikiLeaks, the Defense Information Systems Agency has been tasked with improving network security for all branches of the federal government exceptRead… Read more »
Growth and rapid changes in the American economy often come from military spending. The Wright Brothers had funding from a U.S. Army contract that helped pave the wave for today’s global airlines. Atomic weapons begot atomic power after the Second World War. Civilian satellites for research came after NASA developed space technologies. The precursor toRead… Read more »