Posts Tagged: Embracing

Disengagement Then, Disengagement Now and Disengagement Forever

If you ever talk to American Indian/Alaska Native, Persons with Disabilities and People of Two or More Races employees, you are conversing with some of the most disengaged workers in the federal government. The work realities of these employee groups look something like this: • Their small numbers enhance their invisibility. • They have theRead… Read more »

Want Engagement: Be a Misfit

Talk to an American Indian employee, a colleague with a disability, a person of two or more races or a Millennial and you will hear a common theme. They are some of the most disengaged employees in the federal government. The federal government has given up on these important constituencies so they have no alternativeRead… Read more »

Millennials: Diverse but Inclusive?

They are the offspring of the Boomer generation that gave us the Civil Rights movement. They are responsible for the nation’s election of its first Black President. Demographers call them the most diverse generation ever. They were educated in school systems that emphasized mainstreaming, collaboration and diversity. They were exposed to diverse classrooms that wereRead… Read more »

Inclusion Has Left the Building

Is it just me but has the world gone a little bit crazy here lately. I almost have to pinch myself in order not to feel like I have been transported back to the mid-20th century of Jim Crow. Take a glimpse at some of the offensive statements and incidents in the news that suggestRead… Read more »