How Serverless Enables Agencies to Innovate Faster
A growing number of agencies are exploring ways to further leverage the promise of cloud computing. Serverless is the natural evolution.
A growing number of agencies are exploring ways to further leverage the promise of cloud computing. Serverless is the natural evolution.
Social and collaborative tools help people or groups interact and share information. Often, these tools find a natural home on the internet.
As the volume of data that agencies collect increases, the challenge becomes how best to extract that data from sensors and use it in a meaningful way.
Biometrics help secure facilities, protect access to computer networks, counter fraud, screen people at U.S. borders and fight crime.
To keep pace with these growing data demands, agencies are increasingly supplementing human intelligence with artificial intelligence (AI).
IoT is the network of machines, objects, animals and humans that have unique identifiers and can transfer data via the internet. The field is growing.
Artificial intelligence is the ability of computers and algorithms to learn on their own to perceive things around them and to act using data.