Posts Tagged: employee

A Suggestion Box Is Not Enough

A recent Buffalo News article highlighted the fact that no one has been checking employee suggestion boxes for the Town of Amherst, NY. As stated in the article: At a recent Amherst Town Board work session, Council Member Steven Sanders introduced a resolution clarifying that it’s the supervisor’s responsibility to periodically check the several woodenRead… Read more »

Recruitment 411: We Salute You!!

This week marks the 27th annual Public Service Recognition Week celebration around the country. Budget restrictions are keeping activities on a more subtle scale this year – casualties include the annual street fair on the National Mall in DC. Additionally, the current political atmosphere makes it an interesting time altogether to be a public employee.Read… Read more »

Top Ten Strategies on Facilitating Career Conversations

This month’s “Top 10 Strategies” centers on the importance of managers having career conversations with employees. Surveys confirm that 4 out of 5 American workers are unsatisfied with their companies’ retention efforts and 3 out of 4 are not satisfied with future career growth opportunities at their company. Furthermore, half of all workers are unsatisfiedRead… Read more »

Labor Day Serves as Reminder of Federal Employment Leave Rights

For many families, Labor Day marks the end of summer, the start of college football, and an extra day off of work. First established in 1882 in the aftermath of the deadly Pullman Strike, Labor Day originally served as a day to honor labor and trade organizations and their members. Over 120 years later, itRead… Read more »

Using 180 degree feedback instead of 360 degree feedback: Some ideas

360 degree assessments can make a big difference in employee development, but what if your organization is not ready for 360 feedback? Consider using 180-degree format: self + supervisor. 6 Key Reasons to Consider 180-degree feedback instead of 360: Reality check – allows the person being rated the benefit of comparing self-perception of strengths andRead… Read more »

Northern Territory Public Sector – More open than the rest? Could we co-design public sector agencies?

Hi Folks. A lovely Autumn day here in Canberra Australia. OK I’m biased given the time I spent working in the Northern Territory. But, the Nothern Territory Public Sector has always been quite innovative. It all goes back the work done on the Public Service Act and sector wide leadership and management development in theRead… Read more »

FedRecruit: IT Kickoff Event (Phase II)

FedRecruit: IT Kickoff Event (Phase II)On Monday, March 8, the Partnership for Public Service released an issue brief on the state of the IT workforce that highlights the growing need for IT talent, an increasing retirement eligibility and insufficient talent pipelines. Link to the issue brief here: The kickoff event highlighted the launch of PhaseRead… Read more »