Posts Tagged: employees

War on Talent? Really?!

I recently read an interesting article on the recession and its effects on an employee’s relationship with their employer. The findings they released last week are thought provoking to say the least. A little about the study – it was a global study (Global Workforce Study from Towers Watson which concluded January 2010) of overRead… Read more »

Social Media Policy – Part 9 – Productivity and Impact of Misuse

Productivity Social media tools can be valuable resources when used for work-related activities, but inappropriate use of these tools can be a drain on employer resources. Therefore, if an employer supports the use of social media tools during work hours, then that employer’s social media policy should include a reminder to employees that their useRead… Read more »

Social Media Policy – Part 8 – Confidential Information, Terms of Service, and Legal Issues

Although it may be a matter of common sense that employees should follow terms of service and the law and also not to disclose confidential information, most social media policies include clauses stating that employees are responsible for their actions with regard to confidential information, terms of service, and obeying the law. What else shouldRead… Read more »

Social Media Policy – Part 7 – Commenting and Posting on Topics Related to Work

In addition to personal use of social media tools generally, employees may participate in and comment on discussions, news stories, blog posts, etc. that deal with topics related to the organization. The organization should consider how such interaction using social media tools might impact the organization. In addressing this issue, the organization should consider whetherRead… Read more »

Social Media Policy – Part 6 – Privacy

Most, if not all, social media websites provide options for what information a user makes available to the public. Facebook, for example, offers options for who can view status updates, removing a user’s name from search results, and limiting who can view pictures. According to a recent article published in the Vanderbilt Journal of EntertainmentRead… Read more »

Social Media Policy – Part 5 – Disclaimers

In part 4, we discussed identification of the employer by employees. Related is the use of disclaimers. The use of disclaimers is a frequently suggested guideline. If chosen employers should request that employees post disclaimers on their personal websites stating that the views expressed on those websites are those of the employees and not thoseRead… Read more »

Social Media Policy – Part 4 – Identifying Employer Affiliations

As noted in Part 3 of this series, the vast majority of social media websites allow users to identify who they work for as well as other information about their employment. If employees complete this information, they are to some degree acting as representatives of the organization and all of their posts may reflect onRead… Read more »

Social Media Policy – Part 3 – Work-related vs Personal Use

The line between personal and work-related use of social media tools is often not easily distinguished. However, creating some distinction is advisable because it helps employees understand what communications and actions will impact their employment. For instance, Facebook is often considered a personal social network unrelated to business. However, one piece of information a FacebookRead… Read more »