Posts Tagged: employment

HR=Humans Represent: Pet Peeves that get Recruiters Ranting

The job market is tough these days, and for those individuals who find themselves in the unemployment line, you are probably looking to make yourself stand out from the crowd. I’m sure most recruiters agree that there is certain things job candidates do which indeed set them apart, but for the wrong reasons. A fewRead… Read more »

Career Advice? Get Back To Basics!

I was reading Top 10 Fundamentals for Changing the World, when I realized that Ghandi really knew how to give great career advice! Who thought that his virtues might also serve us well in our careers? How often have you discovered that some level of cynicism has crept into your way of approaching your career,Read… Read more »

Employee Retention or Employee Loyalty?

Reprinted from: Success Performance Solutions by Ira Wolfe | June 23, 2010 Which is better: employee retention or loyalty? The answer isn’t as obvious as you think. These are some common remarks shared by disgruntled, long-term employees: · “All the owners care about is the money.” · “They’ll never pay me what I deserve anyway.”Read… Read more »

Cleared Job Seeker: “Face Time with Employers at Industry Job Fairs Is Invaluable”

One of the many security cleared job seekers attending today’s Cleared Job Fair, whom we’ll refer to as Ms. C, is currently employed yet exploring new opportunities for a Senior Logistics position. Her job search has, to date, been active for about a month or so. She learned of today’s Cleared Job Fair from anRead… Read more »

Growing (Federal) Government may Grind to a Hault

I recently read about Republican lawmaker Rep. Cynthia Lummis of Wyoming, creating a bill, the 2010 Federal Workforce Reduction Act (H.R. 5348). Interesting to say the least, considering the House recently agreed not to freeze federal pay. Why would there be a need? Consider the following federal employment statistics: The US job numbers for MayRead… Read more »

Resumes Are Like Bikinis

Truth be told … it’s a crap-shoot finding recruiters & staffing specialists at the top of their game! And, since there are no real rules for writing résumés, the odds of getting one’s résumé beyond that cursory first read are stacked against us! Staffing specialists and professional recruiters have their own personal rules about whatRead… Read more »