Posts Tagged: employment

HR=Humans Represent: Federal IT Employee (or aspiring to be)? Jobs & Money – Are They Yours?

January definitely seems to be the month for the Federal Government as it relates to IT jobs is in the news. A couple of weeks ago I read about the upswing in Federal hiring as it relates to IT workers. Two examples: U.S. Customs & Border Protection’s Office of Information Technology will expand from 1,500Read… Read more »

“Transfer” -vs- “Reassignment”

Do you know the difference between a Transfer and a Reassignment in the Federal Government? There are important distinctions between the two and every Federal employee should understand the differences in these two actions before seeking one or the other. Select this link to Learn about Reassignments Select this link to Learn About Transfers.

Contractor Background Checks: Supreme Court Ruling’s Impact

Last week, the Supreme Court ruled unanimously in NASA v. Nelson [PDF] that the federal government can perform background checks on contractors as well as government employees. A group of employees at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) brought suit against the agency in 2007 after they were given the choice of undergoing a backgroundRead… Read more »

HR=Humans Represent: Public Sector Employment Isn’t So Pretty

This past Tuesday, I read a headline that the United States Postal Service was cutting 10 districts, and 7,500 administrative positions. I thought to myself here we go with Federal layoffs – I’m happy to report this isn’t so! If you research further, these position reductions will take place through attrition as eligible workers retireRead… Read more »

HR=Humans Represent: Still Left Standing in the Unemployment Line? Six R’s to Reemployment.

2010 is now in the past. If you’ve been out of work for what seems like eternity, I suggest making a few subtle changes to your job search in 2011. Last year I offered up some tips/ideas/suggestions, etc. in my weekly HR=Humans Represent Blogs. This year, I suggest shaking things up a bit – expandRead… Read more »

Should I reveal my leadership in certain organizations on my resume?

Here’s a question I recently was asked: Should I reveal my leadership in an organization that reveals something personal about me, on my resume? For example, leadership in an addiction recovery organization? Here is my opinion. It is definitely opinion and others may disagree. I would welcome a heated debate about this, as a matterRead… Read more »

How to Make Lemonade From Prunes: A Career Guide

Have you ever worked for someone who lived by the mantra “We’ve never done it that way and we’re not going to start now.”? If you work for the Federal government, it’s likely that you have. Oddly enough, there still remain many civil service employees across the Nation with more than 30 years of service.Read… Read more »

Calling Citizen Developers – Opportunity to make a difference!

Calling all citizen developers who may be interested in some pro bono geektastic work. The Council of the District of Columbia is looking for a few good geeks and geekets to do a pilot citizen engagement app to use within the council member’s office. The idea is to leverage open source hosted platforms or cloudRead… Read more »

Spider-Man, Public Servant? It’s a comic book promoting a city service!

To quote the blurb: The Webslinger takes to the New York Daily News and Marvel App to promote public employment services! Features a very commanding Mayor Bloomberg, who’s already tweeted about it. It appears as an insert in today’s Daily News, or it can be downloaded via an iTunes app. More here.