Posts Tagged: Engagement

3 Ways Digital Engagement is Changing Transportation

Government agencies tasked with the responsibility of keeping drivers and passengers safe on the road face daunting challenges every day. From finding new ways to increase awareness of the importance of cars seats and seat belts, to helping drivers avoid congestion and road closures, satisfying the ever-changing needs of today’s travelers can seem like an uphillRead… Read more »

Digital Engagement Series Part 1: Align Measurable Objectives with Communications

Originally posted on the GovDelivery blog. We recently published a thought leadership piece on how digital marketing leads to better public engagement. Over the course of the next few weeks, we will break down each step so you can put our plan to practice within your own organization. The following post will explore “Part 1” of theRead… Read more »

How to Beat the 5 Top Excuses For Not Improving Your Agency’s Customer Experience

Naysayers love to complain that real customer experience (CX) improvement is only for the private sector because government is subject to unique and insurmountable pressures. Don’t believe them. Many major corporations must overcome the same hurdles, and some federal agencies are finding ways to break out, too. Use this list of comebacks to subdue governmentRead… Read more »

Connecting with ITS

If you’re a regular reader of the ITS blog, you already know that we provide the government IT and acquisition communities with private-sector solutions for everything from simple IT commodities to complex infrastructure and emerging technology. Now, we’ve made it even easier for government buyers and our industry partners to get the information they need,… Read more »

5 Ways to Get More Out of your Committees

Are you an active participant on a committee or are you waiting to be spoon fed? IE are you contributing to the goal or just creating more work for the person who was assigned to hold the spoon? George, Sally, Henry, Heather, and Mike are all on an employee recognition committee.  Heather works in HRRead… Read more »

Social Media Speak: How to Avoid an Instagram Faux Pas

By Emily Grenen Increasingly, Instagram is becoming a popular platform to connect and engage with new audiences. Unlike other domains – article commentary, obligatory birthday wall posts, and lengthy status updates are (almost) done away with. With Instagram, you’re focused on photos that anyone with the app can create, right from their smartphone. The platformRead… Read more »

6 Steps to Convince your Boss to Adopt a New Email Strategy

Sometimes change can be difficult for agencies and organizations to embrace (especially when the change is centered around technology and/or public image), so you may need to do a little prep work to ensure you’re ready for the conversation about updating your email strategy. Here are six steps to broaching this subject with the powers-that-be.

What The Public Wants From a Government Twitter Account

I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that the average citizen feels like they don’t know what the hell is going on in Washington. I feel fairly confident in drawing this conclusion because every time, or nearly every time I talk to someone outside the Beltway they say something like thisRead… Read more »

Engaging Citizens in Your Digital Services

This post is an interview excerpted from GovLoop’s recent guide, The Future of Digital Services. In the guide, we explore five trends that are transforming the way government serves citizens in the digital age. There’s more to digital services strategy than placing information online. You also have to draw citizens to your portal and getRead… Read more »