Posts Tagged: Engagement

The Citizen as a Sensor: Engagement through GIS

Millennials are sometimes referred to as the “look down” generation. The assumption is no matter the time or place, our eyes are fixed on a hand-held device. And this comes at a great risk, as some do this while driving, jeopardizing pedestrians and other drivers’ safety. Hearing these stories, parents shake their heads and wonderRead… Read more »

Unless There’s a Ring on My Finger, We’re Not Engaged

Once upon a time engaged meant going from single to partnered. Or it meant a variation of being busy – for better worse. These days engagement is such a buzzword in business-speak that it oversaturates our workplace communications. And this engagement isn’t a romantic proposal; it’s a request for our undivided attention. Is asking forRead… Read more »

11 Tips for A Kick-Butt Virtual Training

BORING! That’s the description I would give of most webinars or e-learning courses. The content is often tedious. The moderators like to impersonate Ben Stein’s vocal drone. And the slides decks are covered in text. What’s even the point of listening to a training if you could just read the slide deck? But virtual trainingsRead… Read more »

Transactional Engagement vs. Transformational Engagement

We have heard the federal government engagement refrain so many times; we can repeat it in our sleep. It goes something like this according to engagement consultants Lior Arussy and Ed Murphy. Management says: • Let’s do an engagement survey. • We need hard data. • Let’s share the data with employees; they will knowRead… Read more »

Impostor – What If You Feel Like It’s You?

Imagine knowing that you are not the person that others seem to think you are. A true impostor. Like Ravi Desai, who persuaded via e-mail that he was actually “Robert Klingler”, “North American head of BMW”. Slate published two articles by “Klingler” before alert readers pointed out that they could find no references toRead… Read more »

Why You’re Not All That Engaging

Because you’re so clueless, you use words like “engaging” just because they’re the latest buzzword. Because you look away from me when I’m talking to you, like that “how fast can I get out of here” kind of look. You check your goddamn PHONE! YOU DON’T HAVE ANY EMAILS! Because you don’t listen to aRead… Read more »

What Your Agency Can Learn from NASA

NASA has done it again. For the third consecutive year, it ranked highest among large federal agencies for its employee satisfaction, according to the 2014 Best Places to Work in the Federal Government survey. The big question is, of course, how NASA continues to do it. This is especially puzzling when overall federal employee satisfactionRead… Read more »