Posts Tagged: Engagement

Digital Engagement Strategy Series

By John Simpson, Engagement Consultant What should go into your digital engagement strategy can be a complex and organizationally challenging question. The specifics of your own strategy are usually discovered with some internal “soul searching” and by nailing down exactly what public engagement is for you and your leadership. Yet, there are a few basicRead… Read more »

When Comm is Not Enough

Citizen engagement operates with a lot of fancy titles like consumer education, consumer protection, client-centered services, outreach, or prevention and preparedness. In a prior life as an independent consultant, it was called community-based participatory research, and in my current role it is dubbed Community Engagement. (I must note, “citizen” explicitly denotes a legal status thatRead… Read more »

The Importance of Design in Email

By Koi Hernandez, Design Fellow at GovDelivery Design as a whole is a very broad subject—from street signs to buildings to T.V. ads—design touches nearly every element of our lives. But that doesn’t mean it’s always done well. As a government communicator, design can make or break the comprehension of your message—the components that makeRead… Read more »

Local Governments Adopting Online Engagement

Join us for our next NCDD Tech Tuesday, on August 26th from 1-2pm Eastern / 10-11am Pacific, with: Della Rucker, Managing Editor of EngagingCities (focusing on the intersection between internet technologies and community engagement), and Chief Instigator at Wise Economy Susan Stuart Clark, Director, Common Knowledge, NCDD board member and consultant to local governments AnRead… Read more »

Driving Mission Impact With a More Engaged Stakeholder Base – an ONS Case Study

As a government agency, serving your stakeholders is at the core of your mission. You have information that your citizens need, and it’s your job as a communicator to get it to them. But getting the right information to the right people at the right time isn’t as simple as sending a letter anymore. WhileRead… Read more »

DorobekINSIDER Live: Tim Fullerton Discusses Citizen Engagement

The goal of social media is to turn customers into a volunteer marketing army. –Jay Baer Just a few years ago social media was seen as an adolescent playground. Selfies, Facebook pokes, and pointless status updates created what seemed to be a cesspool of millennial playtime. Times have changed. If you don’t have an ongoingRead… Read more »