Posts Tagged: Engagement

Your Digital Journey Starts Here

Originally Posted on Comm2Point0. By Dave Worsell, Director of Government Solutions at GovDelivery Europe. Every journey starts somewhere. The easier the first step the faster it becomes to reach the destination. Here at GovDelivery we know we aren’t the final destination and we definitely aren’t one of the many distractions along the way. However, weRead… Read more »

DorobekINSIDER Live: How Data is Changing the Face of Citizen Engagement

A special edition of GovLoop’s DorobekINSIDER today. We’re LIVE! We meet every month with the simple idea, get smart people together and share ideas because we believe that the real power of information comes when it is shared. Better data means better customer service. Consider the way Amazon uses your purchasing history to suggest itemsRead… Read more »

Best Practices for Improving Your Federal Agency’s Stakeholder Engagement

In 2009, the U.S. Department of Interior (DOI) had to face an unsettling fact: when it came to generating stakeholder engagement, the old way of doing things just wasn’t going to cut it anymore. After conducting research, DOI realized that despite being a federal agency with a huge stakeholder base and a wealth of importantRead… Read more »

How FDIC Drives Online Engagement With Its Programs

At this year’s annual Digital Communications Tour stop in Washington DC, officials from three government agencies presented to hundreds of their peers on the latest innovations in digital communications in federal government. Below is a snapshot of part of the panel session with Alan Levy, Chief Web Officer at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)Read… Read more »

Three Simple Steps Toward Better Stakeholder Engagement

Engagement is the name of the game in 2014. According to a recent GovDelivery survey of local, federal, and UK government agencies, forty percent of respondents named increasing stakeholder engagementas their number one communications objective this year. Better communication strategies lead to better stakedholder engagement, and more importantly, better engagement leads to more mission impactRead… Read more »

What Happens to Governments When the Trust Disappears?

It’s difficult for governments to remain effective when the support of citizens evaporates. History is littered with failed states, civil wars and insurrections resulting from society’s loss of trust in their rulers and governance systems. In authoritarian states this support is often built on fear, coercion and control, which can prove to be very fragileRead… Read more »

4th of July Updates from the Public Sector

We’re excited to celebrate Independence Day tomorrow! This week government organizations across the U.S. are sending updates to commemorate the holiday. Check out some of the messages public sector organizations have been sending (both this year and in the past) to engage their stakeholders in new ways. And don’t forget to sign up to receiveRead… Read more »

Using Your Organization’s Heritage and Culture to Motivate Your Employees

On the April, 2014 Rolling Stone magazine cover, Julia Louis-Dreyfus sported a tattoo of the Constitution, but with the wrong signatories at the bottom. How many editorial eyes saw that cover from conception to publication? How was it not noticed? Have we forgotten the past, thinking it’s irrelevant; moving too quickly, our eyes on theRead… Read more »

Proreactivity: The Last Social Media Frontier for the Public Sector

It is no big secret that the public sector is slow in adopting new technologies. When Public Sector Organizations (PSO) do adopt new technologies, they don’t always do it properly. This was the case (with a few exceptions) with social media. Most PSOs went in late and then tried to do it in a “businessRead… Read more »