Posts Tagged: Engagement

Snapshot: How the U.S. Department of Education Uses Email to Engage Stakeholders

By Kelsey Lund, Marketing Communications Specialist, GovDelivery How is the Department of Education using open data programs, email and social media to engage stakeholders? Check out the snapshot below of part of the panel session with Cameron Brenchley, Director of Digital Strategy for the U.S. Department of Education from this year’s annual Digital Communications TourRead… Read more »

Rudder Check – Engage and Educate New Team Members to Stay On Course

By Mike Bajit, PMP You’ve won the contract! You’ve hired the team, but they can’t start work at the same time due to delays with the suitability process. You must execute the requirements of the contract with only a portion of your staff, while providing an orientation to the work and some on-the-job training. YouRead… Read more »

The Difference Between Onboarding and Orientation

What good is having knowledge and skills about a particular topic if you do not share it. Here’s a quote from Margaret Fuller, “If you have knowledge, let others light their candles in it.” So hopefully, others will light their candles with the knowledge that I am sharing about onboarding. Onboarding vs. NEO Onboarding isRead… Read more »

We, the People …. the Customer … the User?

Let’s put this as neutrally as possible. People interact with public services. Now, here’s a simple question: what should we call those people – and why? Perhaps it’s not such a simple question after all. They – we – are many things. We are patients, customers, passengers, swimmers, clients, taxpayers, claimants and more (as wellRead… Read more »

The Most Important Update Trending on Public Sector Websites

With any government program, project, or initiative, you can’t just rely on an “if you build it, they will come” strategy. If nobody knows about your initiatives or projects, they can’t make a difference. To be truly successful at your job to drive engagement with these programs, you have to capture people while they areRead… Read more »

Three Idea Sourcing Success Stories

PlaNYC What they used: Allourideas PlaNYC is a plan produced by the Mayor’s office to address the city’s long-term challenges including growing population, climate changes, a changing economy and an aging infrastructure. In 2011, the NYC Mayor’s Office centered a campaign around the question, “Which do you think is better for creating a greener, greaterRead… Read more »

Ten Ways to Motivate Your Team to New Heights

Did you catch the San Antonio Spurs as they won the NBA championship? What I’d give to feel the euphoria those team members felt afterwards! As a businessman, I don’t play in that league. Most of us don’t. However, the thrill of winning, especially against the odds, IS something we can all experience. In fact,Read… Read more »

The Connection Between Engaged Citizens and Citizen Behavior

At every level of government, citizens are working to learn more and connect, share their ideas, effect change, and improve services. And despite this growing trend of moving all conversations online, there are many government entities that are hesitant to formally endorse or launch this kind of dialogue. Common questions include: “what if the dialogueRead… Read more »

Career Conversations for Improved Employee Engagement

“Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go” I attended a webinar a few weeks ago that was based on the book, “Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go,” by Beverly Kaye and Julie Winkle Giulioni. The webinar and book talk about the critical role that supervisors play in employee engagement and development. The webinar madeRead… Read more »