Posts Tagged: Engagement

Want Better Citizen Engagement? Three Tips to Get There

Do you believe that the involvement of citizens in the management of the government makes government better? Are you willing to do things differently to reach a different segment of the population? One of the leaders I respect the most has often been heard to say that public servants are at their best when theyRead… Read more »

From a Truck Stop to a Home: How to Facilitate Community Connectedness

Government agencies partner with local residents to solve community problems, design new projects, coordinate beautification efforts, and keep lines of communication open. As a longtime city employee, I have worked on many community “outreach” or “engagement” projects over the years. One conversation I had with a resident had a profound impact on my work perspective.Read… Read more »

Making the Millennial Connection: Three Must-Dos for VSOs

As the Department of Defense scales back the number of active duty forces to the smallest sized military since World War II, thousands of military personnel will transition to veteran status. Each service handles the civilian transition differently and every service member’s experience is unique. One thing remains consistent across services: these men and womenRead… Read more »

Are You Happy? Clap Along If You Feel Like Gov Is For You

“Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof Because I’m happy Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth Because I’m happy Clap along if you know what happiness is to you Because I’m happy Clap along if you feel like that’s what you wanna do” – “Happy,” Pharrell WilliamsRead… Read more »

5 Lessons About Citizen Engagement

On Tuesday April 8th, GovLoop hosted our third annual Government Innovators Virtual Summit. This year we focused on “Innovations that Matter” and how to make innovation stick at your agency. Read this recap of our session on citizen engagement and for more blog coverage of the Summit can be found here. View the recording below:Read… Read more »