Posts Tagged: Engagement

WHSR to Hold Industry Engagement Award Ceremony for Federal Agencies

The Washington Homeland Security Roundtable will honor federal officials from Department of Homeland Security component departments for work with industry partners at an upcoming Holiday Reception event. The Industry Engagement Awards aims to acknowledge agencies who maintain relationships with the industry segment, WHSR said Nov. 18. “Partnerships enable real collaboration between industry and government toRead… Read more »

Survey Reveals 97% of Executives Place High Value on Becoming a Socially Enabled Enterprise

Contrary to popular belief, teenagers are not the only ones posting pictures and content on social media platforms. Federal, state, and local government agencies have been implementing commercially provided media technologies to promote their services and support their missions. The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) highlighted several distinct methods that 23 of 24 major agenciesRead… Read more »

Maximize Your Online Community to Increase Citizen Engagement

The notion of e-governance has become prominent in recent years. Agencies around the world are now implementing technology into how they function and deliver services to citizens. Their objective: to distribute information more effectively, universally, and clearly to people. While the Internet undoubtedly fostered the evolution of e-governance, a new development has emerged that canRead… Read more »

Intent vs Impact: How Do You Communicate?

How do you communicate? People thrive on communication; introverted, extroverted, verbal and non verbal, we all need to be able to communicate with one another in order to survive and succeed. Though sometimes, things get lost in translation. Your intent, the way in which you are communicating, doesn’t necessarily send the messages and signals thatRead… Read more »

Fighting Fire with Firewall: How Cloud Computing and CRM Helped A Community Recover from Disaster

Even as the summer draws to a close, summer wildfires continue to rage throughout the United States. In Yosemite National Park, a 371 square mile fire has destroyed homes and wildlife. The fire is 80% contained, but a great deal of work still remains to rebuild and help those affected. The government has already spentRead… Read more »

Leveraging the power of the crowd – It’s not a mob mentality

Crowdsourcing is one of those words that means different things to different people. For our purposes, Daren Brabham defines it as, “Crowdsourcing it an online distributed problem solving and production model that uses the power of online communities to meet organizational needs.” Brabham is an Assistant Professor at the Annenberg School of Communication and JournalismRead… Read more »

Snap – Why Instagram Matters in Gov

A few months back we talked to IBM’s Gadi Ben-Yehuda about the business case for Pinterest in government. We discovered Pinterest offered a new way for agencies to showcase their mission. Now GSA has approved terms of service for government to Instagram. So what’s the big deal? Ben-Yehuda is the innovation and social media directorRead… Read more »

Four Approaches to Crowdsourcing

Is this a Golden Age for citizen involvement in government? As dismayed as some may be with the political process, there are growing opportunities for meaningful engagement in many areas, thanks to growing social media tools and a willingness to participate by many ordinary people. Gavin Newscom is California’s lieutenant governor, and was formerly theRead… Read more »

Employee Retention Doesn’t Just Happen

What employee retention strategies do you use to engage and retain employees? Statistics from research done by the labor bureau show that the average American will hold around 11.3 jobs during their working years. The average number of jobs held is actually going up- especially with Millennials. Eleven may seem like a really high numberRead… Read more »

Can-Do Opportunities in Government Management

Freezes, furloughs, sequestration, budget cuts, increased scrutiny on conferences and trainings – government managers are dealing with quite a plate of challenges these days. Amongst these issues, how can government leaders inspire their teams to provide great public service? On yesterday’s DorobekINSIDER Live, Chris Dorobek discussed the climate of government management with a line-up ofRead… Read more »