Posts Tagged: Engagement

How to Accelerate New Employee Productivity

How to Accelerate New Employee Productivity Accelerating a new employee’s productivity rate is a goal that every agency strives to achieve. The onboarding process involves many time consuming elements. Everything from preparing new-hire paperwork, to ensuring equipment is ready on time, and reducing the onboarding cycle from days to minutes can help your agency saveRead… Read more »

Seven Lessons to Ensure Success of Customer Experience Initiatives

“To optimize both your market share and your margins, you must provide customers with consistent, compelling experiences—before, during, and after their purchases—across all channels.” – Oracle, Seven Power Lessons for Customer Experience Leaders With the increasing use of social media, it is more important than ever for organizations, both public and private, to provide theirRead… Read more »

A Mobile & Modernized Mississippi

In keeping with the triple M’s of the latest GovLoop guide, Making Mobile Matter, this post highlights how Mississippi has channeled its modernization efforts in mobile apps. To learn how states can center their mobile development strategies on citizen needs and engagement, we chatted with Dr. Craig Orgeron, Chief Information Officer (CIO) of Mississippi andRead… Read more »

Star Trek: The Next Generation [of Mobile]

Yesterday, I attended my first DorobekINSIDER LIVE! While it was a great event live, it’s equally great recorded so be sure to catch it here. After discussing the recent trends and government examples of mobility, the panels tapped into their futuristic mindsets to tell us how they foresee mobility will evolve in the next fewRead… Read more »

Snowden Deserves Avalanche of Justice for Betraying America

Like him or loathe him, many people have strongly held views about former government contractor Edward Snowden, who spilled some of America’s most sensitive national security secrets to the world – including to our enemies. This is evidenced by various national polls, an average of which show a nation somewhat divided about Snowden. Is heRead… Read more »

Recap: The Changing Face of Customer Service – Government Case Studies

Yesterday, GovLoop and Oracle presented a webinar on current customer service strategies in government. Widely discussed in the business realm, customer service is becoming a key focus area in government. Agencies are increasingly looking to customer service strategies via social media, mobile apps, call centers, and various other mediums to engage citizens and fill gapsRead… Read more »

Free June 12 Digital Magazine Seminar in DC for Feds with World’s Largest Newsstand

Zinio is “The World’s Largest Newsstand”, featuring more than 20 million individual and library subscribers worldwide to electronic magazines. Through the Government Printing Office (GPO), Zinio provides a viable and valuable dissemination option for Federal agencies who wish to improve engagement and awareness of their programs by providing digital editions of their magazines and journalsRead… Read more »

Free EEO Webinar Today, 5/22 @ 2:00 (EST), Federal Disability Workforce Consortium

Federal Disability Workforce Consortium to Present “The News Hour” Webinar — May 22, 2:00-3:00 PM EST “The News Hour” is a free webinar series from the Federal Disability Workforce Consortium (FDWC) that shares information related to the employment of individuals with disabilities in the federal government. The May 22nd webinar will focus on EEOC ManagementRead… Read more »

Better Governing Through Civic Engagement

It’s already happening. You see it when citizens report potholes, broken signs, graffiti or nuisances using 311 apps. You see it with hackathons, the open data movement, and with organizations like Code for America and Tumml brokering innovation by bringing together developers and government agencies. There’s a palpable energy driven by technological innovations, heightened expectations,Read… Read more »