Posts Tagged: Engagement

Innovation Leaders: What We’ve Learned

IdeaScale has a number of great communities. We’re certainly proud of all of them, but there are a few that stand out and those are the ones that have taught us some great lessons about engagement and moderation. Here’s just a few to get started: The President’s SAVE Award Why? Because after four years ofRead… Read more »

Stakeholder Engagement and the Super Bowl

“When all of the stakeholders come together so quickly, you’ve got magic” – this is what happened a few minutes after the Superdome what dark on during the 2013 Super Bowl. Oreo’s Ad agency, working closely with the business developed an ad and sent it out to twitter, resulting in an instantly successful marketing coup.Read… Read more »

508 Compliance- Best Practices and Lessons Learned

In 1998, congress amended the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 to require Federal agencies to make their electronic and information technology (EIT) accessible to people with disabilities. The goals of these regulations, known as Section 508, are to eliminate barriers in information technology, open new opportunities for people with disabilities, increase collaboration, and encourage development ofRead… Read more »

508 Compliance- What you can learn from the Department of Veterans Affairs

On January 24, the Office of the President issued the memo: Strategic Plan for Improving Management of Section 508. As government becomes more digital, transparent and reliant on technology to share information with the public, it is important that electronic information be made available to all people, regardless of disability. Currently, how this is managedRead… Read more »

Helping Build Obama’s OpenGov Vision- Lessons Learned

In December 2009, President Obama issued an Open Government Directive requiring federal agencies to become more transparent, collaborative with both the private and public sector, and to increase citizen participation. As a result of this directive, REI Systems, in partnership with Office of Management and Budget, helped create key websites such as,, andRead… Read more »

5 Things to Think About when It Comes To Innovation Incentives

IdeaScale gets tons of questions and recommendation requests as people develop communities, but there’s one key topic that everyone seems to want to know more about: engagement. Which is why we’ll be talking about the value of innovation communities and the impact they can have on a business at an upcoming conference, but one ofRead… Read more »

#OpenGovernment: How Open is too Open?

In the wake of the Open Government Directive issued by President Obama in December of 2009, agencies have been working to take specific actions to implement the principles of transparency, participation, and collaboration. However, do we want our National Security Agency (NSA) being transparent about all of their defense tactics and cyber plans? Does sharingRead… Read more »

Non-Emergency 311 Centers Can Save Lives

When disasters strike towns and cities, 911 centers quickly become inundated with calls beyond those that are truly life-threatening situations. The result is that emergency response is delayed which can sometimes lead to deadly consequences. A case in point is a story in the New York Post about how New York City’s 911 center wasRead… Read more »

Responding to Hurricane Sandy

Hurricane Sandy, the Super Storm that slammed into the Eastern Seaboard early last week, left behind a wave of destruction in its path. Cities like New York, Atlantic City, Hoboken, Philadelphia and hundreds more are dealing with flooding, power outages,and destructive fires as a result. The cost of the damage left behind is estimated toRead… Read more »