Posts Tagged: Engagement

“Open Government” Wins Gold

If “most used phrase since 2009” was an Olympic event then “open government” would surely dominate. Olympic spirit and jokes aside, I wanted to pass along an excellent read from the Open Government Partnerships blog. In it, IdeaScale’s Jessica Day (and my awesome colleague) does a great job highlighting the tangible progress of open government,Read… Read more »

Optimal performance, gamification and government

The point of this post:By incorporating some of the characteristics of successful games into our work, we can improve our performance. I’ve been reading a book called Flow: the psychology of optimal experience recently. Reading the book, I was reminded of “gamification”, a concept that you wouldn’t think would have much to do with theRead… Read more »

When does organised action turn into ‘gaming the system’ in online engagements?

It can be difficult to define the line at which organised responses to an online consultation or engagement change from being legitimate activity by an interest group to ‘gaming’ the system to influence the outcome. For that matter it can be just as difficult in a paper-based or face-to-face process. Just who does a lobbyRead… Read more »

NextGen Topic: Civic Engagement & Open Innovation 7/26 @ 1:15

The application of technology to government has evolved into an incredible environment of creative change. Just as Tim O’Reilly predicted, now is the age of government as a platform. Raw open data is being made readily available to the public, which has created new applications, tools, and ways to access information and services. The ThursdayRead… Read more »

Using Consultations to Make Informed Decisions

A perennial lament by advocates of the use of performance measures is that Congress seems to rarely use them in making decisions. Here’s a guide prepared by GAO, along with three examples of how congressional committees have used performance information to make decisions. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) works for Congress and is a bigRead… Read more »

Call for Sample Ordinances on Public Engagement

Mike McGrath from the National Civic League posted this on the NCDD LinkedIn group yesterday, and Matt Leighninger of the Deliberative Democracy Consortium posted this to the NCDD Discussion listserv today… (Also be sure to check out our resource on this topic at (including a great compilation of legal frameworks shared on an NCDDRead… Read more »

State Department’s “Grassroots Democracy In the U.S.” Brings African Leaders to Penn

By Katie McCabe, Fels Graduate Fifteen leaders from over ten different African countries gathered at the Penn Graduate School of Education on Tuesday, May 29th for a conversation on public deliberation in the US and its applications to their communities and countries. They met with the two founders of the Penn Project for Civic Engagement,Read… Read more »